I so...
SAP Fiori tiles....
Are they associated with roles created or a completely separate thing?
In simple terms how does a user get access to additional tiles they believe they need?
In my experience, role related.
So a grovelling email to IT for access request changes along the lines of "I need to see what Bob can see please"
Or you could be the lucky 1 who changed departments but they forgot to take away all your old role accesses and now you're everyone's best bloody mate!
Canada's finest Sap ? Yep. Plenty of experience with this stuff.
Funnily enough I've just fired off a mail about SAP integration monitoring in Cloud ALM and then dived straight into STW for a bit of relief and I'm confronted with SAP questions 😀
It's my day off from working there, and this is what I get? 😢
Unfortunately I can't help, as I work several layers down the stack these days (cloud infrastructure).
They are authorisation related, tiles are grouped in catalogs and catalogs/groups and assigned to the users.
Sounds like a totally different SAP from the one what I am.
Totally different here. SAP is our aged accounting system, soon to be replaced at great expense.
We call it Slow And Painfull at work.
10 years ago or so I went on a two day SAP course to learn how to raise a purchase order.
TWO.DAYS. To raise a purchase order!
i don’t like SAP.
I hate doing integrations with SAP. It just doesn’t make sense. And frikkin future posting dates: how am I meant to action that? Are you requesting acces for the role that they have now or the role which we unfortunately know about that’s going live in 4 months time?
It can all sod off back to Heidleberg.
We had a manager who was ex-Royal Engineers (aka Sappers). He quoted from his dictionary of military engineering:
"To Sap = To destroy by undermining"
We use it as a maintenance management system and I hate it with a passion!
Senior Authorised Person?
Or the HR/Expenses system?