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  • Annoyed by unmarked police car driving…
  • johndoh
    Free Member

    But rather bizarrely, even after you realised the actual situation was different, you still don’t see a difference

    I se a difference in that I understand why he wanted to get past. I still don’t think it was necessary to drive like he did – he lost seconds not hours in his *possible* pursuit.

    Free Member

    johndoh – Member

    Just don’t expect sympathy when you end up on police,camera, action for all the wrong reasons.

    Seriously – I let out a little LOL there.

    Not as much as i’m laughing at the stick you’re getting for such a whiney post like your OP.

    Just accept you and the driver you are so upset about are simply birds of a feather. 😆

    Free Member

    [/quote]duffmiver – Member


    William Shakespeare, you have a rival…

    Free Member

    Nealglover – why should I have a problem with it?

    because the people you were supposed to be training seem to dislike your attitude.?

    Smug – self satisfied smart arse – or “we could have saved all of this hassle if you’d just believed me in the first place”?

    All you have done there is highlight the great void in between how you would like people to perceive you, and how they actually do.

    Free Member

    duffmiver – i’ve reported your post. no need for insults.


    because the people you were supposed to be training seem to dislike your attitude.?

    where did you get that assumption from?

    All you have done there is highlight the great void in between how you would like people to perceive you, and how they actually do.

    or indeed that one.

    Free Member

    As I said, it’s an advanced technique that I wouldnt expect the vast majority of drivers to know about or be able to perform safely.

    *Swoon* You’re awesome!!!

    Free Member

    I know I’m awesome. It’s a burden I have to carry though.

    Free Member


    I know I’m awesome. It’s a burden I have to carry though.

    Along with your incredibly large ego? Or is that balanced by your tiny brain?

    Free Member

    where did you get that assumption from?

    Be size you said that people were always telling you that the hate it when you are right.

    So I suppose that must be because of something that you do in that situation. Gloating smart arse perhaps ?

    or indeed that one

    Because that’s how people seem to perceive you.

    Have a read back through this thread if you need any further information.

    Free Member

    ..,in his *possible* pursuit.

    I’m confused now.

    Wasn’t it you who said you saw him shortly afterwards, when he had pulled another car over ?

    Are you saying that might not have been the case now ?

    Free Member

    I’m confused now.

    Wasn’t it you who said you saw him shortly afterwards, when he had pulled another car over ?

    Are you saying that might not have been the case now ?
    I saw him pull a car over. I have no idea whether it was the same car that he was behind when I pulled out in front of him.

    Are you less confused now?

    Free Member

    Because that’s how people seem to perceive you.

    No – that’s how people on here seem to perceive me. I dont really care how people on here perceive me – that would be stupid.

    Free Member

    glupton1976 – Member

    Because that’s how people seem to perceive you.

    No – that’s how people on here seem to perceive me. I dont really care how people on here perceive me – that would be “stupid”.

    Free Member

    johndoh – Member

    I’m confused now.

    Wasn’t it you who said you saw him shortly afterwards, when he had pulled another car over ?

    Are you saying that might not have been the case now ?

    I saw him pull a car over. I have no idea whether it was the same car that he was behind when I pulled out in front of him.

    Are you less confused now?

    You get this tetchy just discussing it.. Did you throw yourself on the floor and thump the ground when you got home?

    Free Member

    Not techy, just answering your questions using very similar language as you have been using.

    I’m confused now.

    Are you less confused now?

    Or are you just upset that your attempts at tripping me up haven’t worked?

    Full Member

    What the hell is going on in here??

    Free Member

    Good question.

    Full Member

    The usual STW bitching!

    Free Member

    OP was driving along, pulled out in front of a copper (in an unmarked car), then got irrate it sat on his ass for a while – and when the OP did pull over, the unmarked car flashed his police sign.

    I reckon the idea the copper was trying to follow someone without alerting the suspect (by showing the blues) is reasonable.

    Free Member

    Bit of a non entity thead. We have no idea how close the Police was when you pulled out, what might have been a “tight but manageable space” to you could have had many of us bricking it.

    I assume that the Police car was pretty close and moving quite fast as you pulled out, so he was extremely quickly right behind you during your overtake.

    Personally, better to give plenty of room, much more than a “tight but manageable space”

    Free Member

    Yeah – I accepted that much this morning xiphon.

    Free Member

    I know I’m awesome. It’s a burden I have to carry though.

    Fortunately not very far if you don’t drive…

    Free Member

    bearnecessities – Member
    What the hell is going on in here??

    The other day, the OP was a spoiled brat on the motorway. He came on here to whinge, but got spanked. He can’t accept that and has now gone off on a tangent or something.

    Appart from that I bet he’s a rate nice fella. 😛

    PS – feel free to join in the fun.

    Free Member

    The other day, the OP was a spoiled brat on the motorway. He came on here to whinge, but got spanked. He can’t accept that and has now gone off on a tangent or something.

    Odd version of events. Why not read the thread again?

    Free Member

    Has this affected how you will behave next time you:
    1) Think about whether to pul into a “tight but managable space”?
    2) Are flashed by someone approaching from behind going faster than you are?

    Free Member

    It will make me be sure to remember not to flick the other driver the bird like I almost did last night. 😳

    Free Member

    johndoh – Member

    Odd version of events. Why not read the thread again?

    You ignore whingy brats not give them further attention man! 😆

    Free Member

    With so many driving gods about, how is it that I see so many tossers on the roads?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    A question for glupton.

    Are you seriously saying that you have managed to maintain your driving skills, to such a level that can be described as “above that of the average civillian” despite you actively avoiding practicing and maintaining them for the last year?

    Free Member

    A driver is annoyed that another driver is annoyed at a knobber pulling out on him

    Free Member

    I don’t come on here very often, so maybe somebody else could enlighten me – is Glupton for real, or is he just on a wind up??
    Highly amusing thread either way.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Quick question to the OP, ok it was a unmarked police car but this ” tight but manageable space ” you moved into, would you have gone into it if it was a marked up police car ?

    The M62 is a nightmare. I actually left a job because I was that fed up using it and have had loads of people pull into my braking space on there.

    Free Member

    An ex ‘advanced’ driver who has not maintained his skill set in the past twelve months 🙄
    Nothing worse than a ‘has been’ 🙄
    Why so much displeasure, because you dont know what that policeman was doing and how covertly he was trying to achieve it till you drove into his closing gap as he sought to make progress ❗
    When I become a ‘has been’ too, I will no longer consider myself to be an active advanced driver needing to make progress and will drive accordingly!

    Free Member

    Gluptons such a good teacher, even his wife doesn’t listen to the awesome advice and rear ended another car.
    It’s a bit stalkerish to post that on two different threads, but I find it so bloody funny!

    Full Member

    The M62 is a nightmare

    Not between J11 & J27; it’s a dreamy place each day filled full of sublime driving skills and smooth flowing traffic. Not a single idiot on it.

    Oddly, always coppers sat in the same place, every day, watching the same cars, each day, who in turn see the same coppers, each day.

    Never quite understood that.

    Free Member

    tinybits – I’ve reported your post. Negative use of the forum is against the rules.

    Free Member

    Well it’s not really, it’s just reading what you write in different threads and laughing…

    Ah well, it’s funny enough that I don’t mind the ban. Bye for now!

    Free Member

    It is pretty funny.

    The fact you reported it is even funnier though.

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