Home Forums Bike Forum And the award for the most annoying tv commercial goes to…

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  • And the award for the most annoying tv commercial goes to…
  • xc-steve
    Free Member

    Surprised the Iggy Pop adverts not been mentioned?! Two things on TV which make me turn over, The weakest link and that Iggy Pop advert with the puppet!

    Free Member

    "Helpful banking"

    Irritating interfering over-friendly revolting PILLOCKS, more like.

    Free Member

    I sky+ 90% of my tv so I can skip the ads, if I don't I usually mute them.

    One that has always driven me to despair is the mazda adverts. zoom zoom…….ahhhhhhhh

    Free Member

    "I think I am going to need"………"MORE TIES"!

    Who writes this shizz?

    Free Member

    That slag in the Dulux advert who gets bored of the carpet on her stairs ("yawn!"), so paints them red so she can pretend to be on a red carpet when she goes up to crimp one off. An actual RED CARPET would be more the ticket surely?

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