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  • And so it’s starts…
  • woffle
    Free Member

    he orange flashes are not to cover their numbers, they are used to identify different ranks or specialist units when public order kit is worn. White for sergeants, red for inspectors, orange for the evidence gathering teams. Numbers are usually stuck on the back of the helmets.

    Incidentally there were no numbers on their helmets, hats or jackets. They were also getting very sniffy at anyone pointing a camera in their direction – I guess because it’s now illegal take a photograph of a police officer (or am I misinformed on that rather scary point?)

    Oh, they also parked up two big ambulances just round the corner, I’m guessing ‘just in case’

    Free Member

    *windmills in*, ave it! 😯 Oh, I’m a bit early 😳

    Free Member

    Fair enough. Mine’s got my number in big yellow stickers on the back of it.

    Apparently there is some new law where you can’t take a picture of a policeman if it could be used for terrorist purposes. I don’t know much about it really, I haven’t read up on it, because it sounds like a load of bollocks.

    Free Member

    GG, Mugabe has ethnically cleansed Zimbabwe under the watchful eyes of a Labour UK Govt so I dont know what your point is?

    That’s damn decent of him …….. to wait until the tories were out of office before ethnically cleansing Zimbabwe.

    He sounds like a right proper diamond geezer.

    No, I don’t know what my point is either.

    Free Member

    Oh! …ent… Was missing from my last post. Just testing…Just testing. Now settle down at the back! 😕

    Free Member

    So is my train going to get into Liv Street OK, or is the place going to look like a bad day in Basra?

    Free Member

    it really is rather depressing – they have won already (whoever they are) as those that should be standing up against the removal of our rights are having a bun fight on a mtb forum. divide and conquer as they say.

    and wwjr

    NOT Left or Right.

    The Triumph of the Political Class

    is it worth reading or is just having a pop at nu labour. Not sure i could bring my self to read anything by a Daily Hate writer.

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