No. If you’d ever been to such an event, you’d realise that the vast majority of people there, are simply exercising their democratic right to public protest. There will often be a tiny minority of **** who will want a fight, and will use the cover of a large crowd, to throw bricks etc.
In a large crowd situation, speshly one where tensions are already high, it only takes a small spark, to really get things going. And who’s to say, that there wont be agents provocateurs, employed by the government/police etc, who’s sole job will be to start trouble? This tactic has been employed both here and elsewhere, many times before. Do you trust this government? The same government that lied to you about WMDs in Iraq, about British involvement in Extraordinary Rendition to concentration camps? ETC?
Don’t hide yer heads in the sand, because that’s what the big corporations, politicians et al, want you to do.
It’s not about Left V Right anymore; that’s a smokescreen. It’s about People V Totalitarianism. And if you don’t want to accept that possibility, then you are being naive, and weak-minded.
Blind Acceptance is a sign, of Stupid Fools, who stand in line.