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  • And so it’s starts…
  • woffle
    Free Member

    As I look out of my window in the office behind me:

    Outside Close Brothers in London, just behind Liverpool St station 8 protestors turn up with pillows. There’s even one with a dog on a string. And a few people with cameras etc.

    We’ve now got the police helicopter overhead, dog vans, big van with blacked out windows, police 4×4 and all the officers have their epaulette numbers covered with orange flashes.

    Grief. Thank goodness I’m working from home tomorrow…

    Free Member

    something’s sploded by the Bank of England. Dunno what, yet.

    Free Member

    Controlled explosion on a suspect package, nothing more.

    Free Member

    Dodgy sarnie, praps?

    Free Member

    I guess the Police are testing the packages they are going to plant tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Has anyone actually seen the agenda of this bunfight?

    – Leaders’ breakfast 8.30am – 9.45am
    – Morning session including finance ministers and central bankers 9.50am- 1.25pm
    – Lunch 1.25pm – 2.30pm
    – Afternoon session including finance ministers and central bankers 2.30pm to 3.30pm
    – Closing press conferences, 3.30 onwards

    So, four and a half hours, much of which will be occupied in arranging endless photoshoots and troughing away at the culinary creations of the overly tongued mockney that is Jamie Oliver.

    And we’re paying £20m or so to host this? Why? I really fail to see what it can possibly achieve in four and a half hours!

    Free Member

    Just about long enough to watch 2 pron films.

    Free Member

    and all the officers have their epaulette numbers covered with orange flashes.

    Why are they allowed to do this? Seems deeply wrong to me.

    Full Member

    A dog on a string you say? Thank goodness all those riot police are there 🙄

    Free Member

    I still love the fact the MET are saying there will be violence.

    Nice prophecy they are self-fulfilling there.

    Free Member

    The orange flashes are not to cover their numbers, they are used to identify different ranks or specialist units when public order kit is worn. White for sergeants, red for inspectors, orange for the evidence gathering teams. Numbers are usually stuck on the back of the helmets.

    Free Member

    Of course the MET knows there will be violence, they are up for a fight even if they have to start on each other.

    I liked the interview this morning with a MET officer who said all protesters should preregistered with the MET and stand in designated areas, anyone who is outside of those areas will be treated an extremists and dealt with.

    Personally I wonder how many London City workers will be getting a shoeing from the MET tomorrow when they are walking home from work, especially as most seem to have been told to dress down, which will have the side effect that the MET won’t be able to easily work out who has enough money for proper legal representation and who can be easily labeled as an extremist/terrorist.

    Free Member

    Chuck a bar of soap at ’em the workshy bastards!

    Full Member

    Numbers are usually stuck on the back of the helmets.

    jackie smith will be wanting a copy of that dvd!

    Free Member

    Are they having fish for lunch then richc?

    Free Member

    I suspect there will be some violence.

    I am skeptical as to whether that violence will actually be started by genuine protestors. It seems that the authorities actually want it to kick off; if this happens, expect more restrictions on our right to protest, to be brought in.

    During the Miners’ strike in the 80s, the government employed army soldiers, in police uniforms, to ‘police’ the picket lines. A fact never admitted, but there’s enough evidence this was the case.

    Considering the lies the Wonderful Elected Representatives Of Our Society have told us in the past, I have no doubt they may employ such tactics this week.

    And we’re paying £20m or so to host this?

    Ken Livingstone criticised the decision to host this event in the Capital. As I suggested the other day; if they are sooo worried about the potential for trouble, why din’t they use an alternative location? Like an aircraft carrier? This could be much more easily policed, and virtually impossible for anyone to get anywhere close. And would lessen the need for such an incredibly heavy police presence on the City’s streets.

    There will be blood.

    Free Member

    Just a shame it’s not Ken’s blood eh…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hmm, pics of Ken Livingstone, with two democratically elected representatives/leaders.

    Don’t get your point, enfht.

    Oh, you din’t actually have one. Sorry…

    enfht – Member

    Chuck a bar of soap at ’em the workshy bastards!

    You really are clueless, aren’t you?

    Free Member

    Oh if only we’d listened to Ken eh RB ?

    No point really RB I just object to any post you make

    Free Member

    There is always violence at these bun fights and given the current state of the world I’d say that the Met aren’t exactly doing a mystic Meg to predict agro.

    Free Member

    OK lets wait and see how many protesters are dirty layabouts shall we. I say 50% lets wait and see

    Free Member

    Oh dear. Is your life that meaningless, then?

    Why not go for a walk, instead?

    Free Member

    i work in london and we’ve all been given tomorrow off!
    Think i might come in for a bit of an afternoon punch up though.

    Free Member

    My life now has meaning RB thanks to you ma buoy

    Free Member

    Oh shucks I’ve been caught out. I admit it, Gerry Adams was elected at the time the picture was taken, elected by the IRA

    Free Member

    If the RTS, camp for climate change and other well experienced groups are involved, then the met are in for busy day. Plenty of diversionry protests. Lots of disinformation in the internet and via mobile phones. Meanwhile there will be some very fluffy, original, humorous and PEACEFUL direct actions going on. I suspect that the media focus will be on other things.

    The anarchist groups will be well up for a confrontation if the police are looing for one and I think there will be some problems because the cops have made it clear that they will be all over the demostrators like a rash and they KNOW that will lead to trouble.

    I’m kind of glad their are people out there who are prepared to meet state agression head-on. I just wish it wasn’t necessary.

    Lets not forget that the reason the G20 are meeting is because the financiers and corporations that the police will be protecting tomorrow have f*cked all of us up through their incompetence and greed.

    Free Member

    Is it national post a pic of Hugo Chavez day or have i missed something?

    Free Member

    No it’s throw sh*t at RB day, according to my Calendar it runs all month

    Free Member

    I am under strict orders from management not to antagonise or provkoke any protesters.

    Free Member

    I am skeptical as to whether that violence will actually be started by genuine protestors.

    Yeah it’s always them bleeding by-standers what cause all the trouble.


    enfht – thanks for reminding me that Ken Livingstone was one of the first British politicians to have the commonsense to realise that if the Troubles were ever to be resolved, it would require dialogue with Sinn Fein. I’d forgotten about that – same others took such a long time to catch on :-[

    And thanks also, for posting a picture of one of my personal heroes – Hugo Chavez. A man who has personal approval ratings in his country which most leaders at the G20 summit can only dream of.

    And since we’re doing photo opportunities pics of this thread, here’s my contribution. Some tart smiling next to a couple of geezers with dodgy democratic credentials :

    Free Member

    STW thread descends into Left v Right slangfest shocker!

    Free Member

    so according to the post above,left wing protesters are all peaceful.
    its the anarchists who cause all the trouble?

    Free Member

    STW thread descends into Left v Right slangfest shocker!

    Weren’t me what started it – honest guv.

    Free Member

    No. If you’d ever been to such an event, you’d realise that the vast majority of people there, are simply exercising their democratic right to public protest. There will often be a tiny minority of **** who will want a fight, and will use the cover of a large crowd, to throw bricks etc.

    In a large crowd situation, speshly one where tensions are already high, it only takes a small spark, to really get things going. And who’s to say, that there wont be agents provocateurs, employed by the government/police etc, who’s sole job will be to start trouble? This tactic has been employed both here and elsewhere, many times before. Do you trust this government? The same government that lied to you about WMDs in Iraq, about British involvement in Extraordinary Rendition to concentration camps? ETC?

    Don’t hide yer heads in the sand, because that’s what the big corporations, politicians et al, want you to do.

    It’s not about Left V Right anymore; that’s a smokescreen. It’s about People V Totalitarianism. And if you don’t want to accept that possibility, then you are being naive, and weak-minded.

    Blind Acceptance is a sign, of Stupid Fools, who stand in line.

    Free Member

    you go through a lot of tin foil RB?

    Free Member

    Thank you RB! Good post. Full marks! Please go to the top of the class!
    Enfht wot you on? Wake up at the back there! Please try and pay attion!! 🙄

    Free Member

    Legitimate protest? Of course, but who will attend, a load of workshy grubby leftists and anarchists. RB why dont you show your face, it is your beloved city afterall?

    GG, Mugabe has ethnically cleansed Zimbabwe under the watchful eyes of a Labour UK Govt so I dont know what your point is?

    Free Member

    NOT Left or Right.

    The Triumph of the Political Class

    This ?.

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