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  • An uncomfortable health question CIRCUMCISION CONTENT
  • SaxonRider
    Free Member

    Being a circumcised male with little sons who are not circumcised, I have no idea what sorts of things are ‘normal’ with respect to that area’s specific hygiene.

    The thing is, while my boys bathe frequently, they also seem to get infected easily. Right now, my 3 year old seems to have a fairly significant infection, which we are treating by putting him in the bath with baking soda.

    So to you uncircumcised who know firsthand about these things: what must I get the little guys to do to cut down on infections beyond making sure they are clean? Does anyone else on here have (a) little one(s) who is vulnerable to infections?

    Free Member

    i has several infections as a small boy, but these cleared up eventually… as far as i remember cleanliness is the key…. but the biggest thing with small boys is getting them to stop playing with it!!! this is what i remember the Dr saying to my mum when i was about 5, and even as a 5 year old it was fairly embarrassing!

    Free Member

    Keep it dry.. Tcp in a cup and stick the willy in. Make sure pants nice and loose. Don’t use talc or anything like savlon. You want to keep the moisture out. I have 2 daughters but lots of problems with willy, I have no problems admitting it. Other thing that worked well for me is tea tree oil. Dilute it 10 to 1 and dip the old fella in. Don’t and I repeat don’t use any creams. They don’t work. Good luck 🙂

    Free Member

    I wasn’t hungry anyway.

    Full Member

    The whole “it’s more hygenic” thing is a myth, unless you’re prone to sandstorms in darkest suburbia.

    Tcp in a cup and stick the willy in

    You’ve gotta be frakking kidding me. 😯

    Full Member

    Bloody hell dipping a young kids todger in TCP or Tea tree oil that’ll make him scream.

    Free Member

    See your GP for advice James.
    Cant say I have ever heard of non circumcised being more prone to infection – maybe the little fella has something else down there that requires further investigation.

    Full Member

    Reminds me of the ‘wire brush and Dettol’ joke.

    Seriously, don’t get hung up on circumcision as a cure-all. There are medical reasons for circumcision (I forget the name of it, but a mate of mine had it, it’s when the foreskin is constricting its contents), but mostly it’s done for traditional reasons (religion or ‘we’ve always done it’).

    If he’s got an infection, take him to a doctor.

    Full Member

    Just teach them to peel back and was it in the bath.

    Full Member

    (I forget the name of it, but a mate of mine had it, it’s when the foreskin is constricting its contents

    Too much meat in the banger.

    I had that issue so had to have my pencil sharpened.

    Free Member


    Currently considering my options with the pencil sharper, and at 34, it’s kind of daunting!

    Full Member

    Too much meat in the banger.
    I had that issue so had to have my pencil sharpened.

    Me too. Had it done when I was 11, but if a shock a week before Christmas, but ho hum…

    Full Member

    a shock a week before Christmas

    All I want for Xmas is my two front teeth….

    Full Member

    Just teach them to peel back and wash it in the bath

    This – keeping everything under the foreskin clean means I’ve never had any issues.

    Full Member

    Just teach them to peel back and wash it in the bath

    Yes this, I remember having a very sore todger after swimming when I was wee and learning to do this saved the day. It’ll also make him more popular with the ladies when he is a grown up if he gets into the habit! I’d avoid circumcision unless there is a definite medical reason, I love my snood!

    Full Member

    The foreskin of young boys is not meant to fully retract so don’t force it!

    Some guidance Here!

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    Free Member

    Cougar said » (I forget the name of it, but a mate of mine had it, it’s when the foreskin is constricting its contents

    Drac said »
    Too much meat in the banger.
    I had that issue so had to have my pencil sharpened.
    Currently considering my options with the pencil sharper, and at 34, it’s kind of daunting!

    Same here 🙁

    To be honest I didn’t know anything was wrong till recently, that’s what you get for staying with one partner for 20 years, and its kind of daunting thinking about it as everything is in full working order, it just doesn’t look right.

    Full Member

    Me too. Had it done when I was 11, but if a shock a week before Christmas, but ho hum…

    14 and week before Xmas.

    Free Member

    I had a bit of a rash and redness down there a while back after going to the clinic and given the all clear for stds etc. It turned out to be dry skin. I get dermatitis a bit elsewhere. Now use e45 emollient shower cream down there. Works for me.

    Full Member

    There are medical reasons for circumcision (I forget the name of it, but a mate of mine had it, it’s when the foreskin is constricting its contents),


    or balanitis xerotica obliterans

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Had it done in my late 20’s due to medical reasons and was rather sore for a few weeks but now in mid 40’s and glad I had it done.

    Full Member

    I had it done as a kid for medical reasons, so did not know what my boys should have been doing.

    Luckily my wife is a urological nurse so she was able to offer advice and as a couple have said above it needs to be pulled back and cleaned when in the bath/shower. My youngest was a bit lax and had some problems like you have described but he ‘gets it’ now and keeps it clean.

    Free Member

    Don’t get the little fella to trap his, erm… little fella in his zip…

    that’s one sure fire way to get it infected (not recent – did it at 6 years old!!)

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Snapped my banjo during an intimate moment, had my pencil sharpened 2 weeks before my finals!

    Learned to tape a dressing (like a cone of shame) around the join (and its 18 stitches 😯 ) to prevent pleasant dreams drawing blood…

    The whole “it’s more hygenic” thing is a myth

    unless the skin is so tight you can’t retract it and develop the dreaded ‘ring of cheese’


    Male circumcision is associated with
    a reduced risk of penile HPV infection and, in the case
    of men with a history of multiple sexual partners, a
    reduced risk of cervical cancer in their current female
    partners. (N Engl J Med 2002;346:1105-12.)

    Full Member

    Male circumcision is associated with
    a reduced risk of penile HPV infection

    If that study is the one I’m thinking of, it’s bollocks. Aside from being poorly conducted with too small a sample size, the reason that there was a reduced risk of STDs is because they’d just had surgery on their nobs and weren’t for sticking it anywhere grubby for a while.

    Full Member

    Seems it isn’t the one I’m thinking of, but it’s still bollocks.


    This surface is dry on circumcised penises but moist on intact penises, increasing the likelihood of detection of HPV regardless of the actual rate of infection.

    From a review here[/url].

    Full Member

    1913 couples used for the study and samples taken with a wet swab from inside the urethra as well as the surface of the glans. Obviously still bollocks though…

    Either way I like my two tone knob 🙂

    Full Member

    This thread is useless without pictures…….maybe not.

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    Free Member

    uncircumcised here. Never had a problem. Get a bit of cheese if it’s seeing a lot of action. Rest of the time, meh.

    Obviously I’m a better lover but you all knew uncircumcised guys were anyway.

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    Full Member

    Had mine done at about 26 due to tightness pulling the hood back.
    Hurt like hell.
    Heavy petting got a bit carried away one afternoon, & ripped half the stitches out. Was like a bloodbath.

    Full Member

    Don’t let them use soap to clean it, just warm bath water is fine. A lot of the soreness is caused by dryness, and soap makes it worse.

    My Doctor told me he might have to circumcise me. Ah well, its no skin off my nose……

    Free Member

    Due to an ‘injury out in the field of action’ had mine done at the tender age of 25. In pain for a few weeks afterwards but now I love it, wouldn’t go back to how it was before even if I had the choice. No difference in how it performs or feels and the ladies seem to prefer it this way to the way it previously was. Nothing to worry about at all.

    Full Member

    I’d miss mine. I’m really quite attached to it.

    Free Member

    I’d miss mine. I’m really quite attached to it.

    Streamlined is the way forward though, a lower drag co-efficient can do wonders for performance.

    Full Member

    I heard a neurologist on R4 say that the bit of skin removed by circumcision contains c 30,000 nerve endings. I personally see this operation for religious/cultural reasons as a form of abuse.

    Free Member

    little boys quite often get the end of their penis’s a bit red which is more than likey just down to irritation eg dribbling in their pants. To get an infection I would assume it being down to poor cleaning or damage to the skin.

    as said above the forskin won’t retract till they get older and only when it becomes too tight to they go infor surgery. if it seems a bit tight then get them to gently pull the forskin back in the bath and that should help stretch it.

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