Lets hope the design rules have stopped LE from throwing another massive cheque at the problem.
I’m not sure I can see Oracle coming back from this but we’ll find out on Saturday.
I suspect that they’ll close the gap a bit and win the starts but ultimately ETNZ will just sail round them upwind as that seems to be where they have a biggest advantage.
Sounds good Jerry…. another perk of the job 😉
If they’re touching down I wonder if they’ve tried altering the wing trimming system as this seems to be one of the major differences to ETNZ – or they could just be trying some new foil design.
I’d love to see how that wind trimming system works seeing as it’s controlled 100% digitally. I bet this could be the biggest factor in the speed difference – I know a lot has been made of the foils but that might just be because they’re actually visible while the control system is basically hidden.
How ironic it would be if Oracle was beaten by software!
You’ve also got to wonder if ETNZ were sandbagging during the RR – I really hope so 🙂