Boat handling, its simple.
Ben and the team are an amazing group of sailors, the boat is one of the best (although some detractors have highlighted it’s lacking speed) but the boat and crew are sailing it reasonably well, but that’s just not enough. Boat handling these things is a specialists game, BAR have been sailing this enough so they should be able to power on and deliver the speed.. but it’s not gelling, they’re stalling mid flight and slow out of 3/10 manoeuvres, these mistakes are punished severely by gains of 100’s of meters by the other team, and its tricky to make that up unless the other team makes a mistake.. and they’re not, it’s as simple as that. Tactics of old are out, luffing and pinning are things of the past, now it’s all big bear always and intimidation at speed where luff to wind matches don’t cut it anymore.
He’s got the start mentality dialled, he’s got the killer instincts required, he’s got the grit, what they lack are boat handling skills and I’m worried for them. Bens come from mid table before now to win outright, he’s a skilled helmsman and tactician but unless he can keep that thing flying fast he’s facing a tough task to stay where he is.
If you watch the vid feeds and gossip on FB (Americas Cup feeds, not the gossip mongers) tonight’s interview of the squad manager, by Bens wife (of all people) majored in the “if anyone can, Ben can” but it’s not just Ben, it’s the squad too.. keep the boat at full chat all of the time until it crosses that line.
But we’ve been in this situation before, Bens made of something deep within that he needs to get angry about, I’m hoping he’s off kicking a wall or crushing beer cans behind the tent rather than be interviewed by his Wife for the umpteenth time on TV.