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  • alternatives to GT85?
  • fontmoss
    Free Member

    Run out of GT85 and the chain on the cross bike is looking pretty forlorn, its an ss so gets dumped after rides but was going to get some more GT85 to give it a skoosh, wipe and a lube after rides to keep it healthy for longer. Anything else worth trying? I had thought maybe just get a park tools chain brush and use some bike cleaning pedros stuff i have lying about but never been that thrilled with


    Full Member

    TF2 spray seems to be pretty much the same thing. Doesn't smell as nice.

    Free Member

    use actual chain lube perhaps?

    Free Member

    Try cleaning it properly & then using a decent quality lube, something from the likes of Finish Line, Motorex, Fenwicks, Green Oil etc.

    Free Member

    If it's a ss why not use the thickest gungiest chain gloop you can get your hands on?

    Free Member

    TF2 seconded.

    Free Member

    Why would a bike being a ss mean you would use any lube other than what you use on a geared bike? The chain does the same job in both situations…

    Free Member

    ok perhaps i didnt make myself hugely clear-chain always lubed with finish line wet BUT after a ride I normally blast it with GT85 wipe it down and lube it. For me the only difference with ss is that it's a pretty quick job so GT85 is pretty handy, sqoosh, wipe and lube.

    Ill have a look at TF2 cheers

    EDIT: oh its a lube 🙁

    anyone tried this?

    Full Member

    There's loads of TF2 products, the one I'm thinking of is an aerosol and it's basically just another stoddart-solvent-in-a-can doofer with some additives so they can pretend it's not just just white spirit 😉 It's a lube but only in the same way GT85 is.

    Full Member

    Dont use TF2 it smells horrible!

    GT85 all the way 😀

    If you want a part used can of TF2 let me know

    Free Member

    Do you leave the chain to dry before lubing it? as GT85 will break down chain lube if you apply the lube while the GT85 is still wet. Ideally the solvent from the GT85 needs to have evaporated off before applying the lube.

    If you're stuck then just apply some chain lube and wipe off while still wet, should take most of the crap from the outside of the chain with it.

    It won't have cleaned the grit/mud from the inside of the chain, which is the important bit.

    Free Member

    interested in the half used TF2!

    wipe down the chain after using GT85 and try not to aim it at the limited lifespan shimano grease in the bb cups 😉

    Free Member

    I love the smell of GT85 in the morning.

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