After a few years of refusing to buy from them I’ve now gone back to them, good kit at good prices…. However I (yes stupidly lived in ignorance until recently) am concerned about where/how they source the down for their kit, I own a down sleeping bag and 2 x down jackets (purchased before I found that some companies use down plucked from live animals) i’d like to see their name on here
There are quite a few outdoor brands who’ve made serious efforts to make sure their down is ethically sourced and traceable who aren’t on that list, notably Mountain Equipment and Patagonia, but plenty of others including major northern European – Scandi and German brands.
This – link below – is quite a good article on outdoor brands and down which puts a lot of it in context. It’s also worth taking a look at Mountain Equipment’s Down Codex site. They did a shed-load of work digging into and certifying their down supply chain: