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  • aero – wheels'n'shit
  • scaredypants
    Full Member

    had an email from British Cycling today (not a call-up for the olympic squad, but I can wait)

    In it was this pic:

    That makes a lot of sense to me (for the track, not road obvz) – I’d have thought that super-aero front is more of a gain than super-aero rear. Is there a rule that says they can’t do this in competition? (assuming this is a training pic)

    Full Member

    If you have the budget for 2 super aero wheels then why not run both in competition?

    I assume the front was being used in training to get used tot he handling feel of it

    Full Member

    Agree that using both would potentially be best of all – I’d pretty much assumed that it definitely wasn’t allowed (though see Sir Jason below)

    I guess it might be a bit of a “wing” and so take some geting used to

    Free Member

    Think it depends on discipline doesn’t it – OK for pursuit, less so for the kierin?

    Free Member

    Well you couldn’t stick a limb through the spokes.

    Full Member

    Leg warmers on = probably getting warmed up. Suspect that rear wheel is just whatever was to hand that had the right gear on for warm up, and would be changed to a disc with the right gear before racing.

    Free Member

    Was there an explanation with the piccie?

    Full Member

    Yes running a full disc is always ok on the rear for track events, the front wheel type is dictated by the rules and demands of each event

    Full Member

    Shermer, no, was just alongside some track squad news

    Full Member

    Leg warmers on = probably getting warmed up. Suspect that rear wheel is just whatever was to hand that had the right gear on for warm up, and would be changed to a disc with the right gear before racing.

    This makes many sense.

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