ok. right. so i am thinking of something on the lines of this stand but instead of having a bottom bike, have storage of equipment and tools for maintenance. it needs to be designed in a way that you can access all around the bike to make it easy to work on.
From a cycle storage and maintenance unit, how important is it to access all around the bike? is it important to get all around the bike at once or is it ok to only access one side and turn the bike round
How much tool storage space would you require/ what tools would you need storage for in a maintenance unit? in other words enough for larger items such as a pump or spare parts or just room for basic tools such as alan keys and spanners
Does the bike need to be upright or can it be upside down/why? which is easier to work on? should it be able to do both? are there any jobs which are easier with the bike being one way up as opposed to the other?
Should the bike be fixed on or not onto the stand? is it important that the bike should be rigidly fixed on or would it be useful if the bike could be moved easier
Are there any features that you can think of that could be put into the product? anything that may be of use or you may want when repairing. something to get it on easily. anything to make it more user friendly
How regularly would you use it? either for storage or maintenance. e.g. after every ride. only for storage or only for maintenance
How much would you price such a unit at?
Do you have any further comments or ideas?