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  • Addison Lee
  • HoratioHufnagel
    Free Member

    Feel a bit sorry for this guy!

    Free Member

    Thing is though, even if this does shaft his company, those taxi drivers under his employ will simply end up working for other companies. So the idiots are still on the roads…

    Full Member

    As a London cyclist I have learnt to despise Addison Lee drivers for regularly trying to kill me (one good example was a guy illegally turning left at a crossroad when it was straight on only and nearly taking me out). However I wonder why black cabs get such an easy ride. They often and suddenly pull over into the path of riders to pick up fares, stop in cycle and bus lanes, perform dangerous u-turns and their passengers open doors onto busy roads without looking. This seems to be excepted as acceptable because they are a London institution. It adds insult to injury when some of the few times I have used a cab they tell me how cyclists are a lawbreaking menace.

    Free Member

    One thing that the AL guys were very good at on the Heathrow-A4-Central route was blocking motorcyclists from filtering through the traffic jams – almost like they’d been ‘tutored’ to do it?

    Free Member

    thing all Addison lee private drivers are owner drivers on a franchise?

    AD =



    Free Member

    If my article causes a debate around whether cyclists need training and holding to the same standards as other road users, bring it on.

    he says. So I assume this training (to bring my riding up to AL standards) is to have a fairly major lobotomy

    I cannot describe the utter contempt I hold for Addison Lee cars & drivers. I ride every day in London and without fail on pretty much every trip I have the misfortune to witness complete and utter imbeciles driving black Ford Galaxy’s in such a dangerous, intimidating and, frankly, murderous fashion.

    Indeed the only time I’ve been hit by anything was and Addison Lee car – which drove into me when it jumped the lights and hit me in the advance stop line box reserved for cyclists.

    EDIT – only this morning I witnessed an AL car try to barge a Smart car off the road into the path of a cyclist. Utter, utter, utter *&$£s

    Free Member

    Loadsa them there AL “cabs” around Canary Wharf. Always seem to be on hand waiting for someone.

    I’ve yet to have the pleasure of being cut up by one, only a matter of days I guess.

    I hope TFL does do something against them for driving in Bus lanes, or indeed if they don’t it kinda sets precedent for us all to use them don’t it.

    Full Member

    just been on the ITV london news .

    Free Member

    What was the verdict on the news?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    What a pathetic waste of human life that man is.

    This is great though.
    ““throwing themselves onto some of the most congested spaces in the world”

    I’ll throw a wild flailing stab in the dark here and ask the question….”How do we reduce that congestion?” Well, errm, we could..no…hang on…well we could… no, that won’t work either.

    Cripes! I’ve got it, we can reduce congestion by…drumroll….. ENCOURAGING FAT TOSSERS LIKE YOU TO RIDE BIKES INSTEAD OF USING CARS!!!

    Yay! I’ve fixed the problem.

    Full Member

    Suddenly remember why I used to do Critical Mass in the 90s when I lived in London. Every time I go back to London I am impressed by the numbers of people cycling – and the standard does seem to have gone up too. That’s progress, not shiny, badly driven taxis.

    I have a personal fix for the problem – we should subcontract our roads to Belgium. Yep, I know it’s radical but the Telegraph should send a delegation over to get them to come and turn London into Antwerp.

    It was just ace – loads of cycle lanes but best of all was driver attitude. Car crosses onto a zebra crossing whilst waiting to turn onto major road. Sees cyclist needing to use zebra (yes, that’s right, cyclists have right of way on zebras). Reverses out of the way. Even in the suburbs we were cycling along and a little unsure of priority so we stopped at a cross roads. To see that the Porsche 911 that had been heading towards us from the left had screeched to a halt so that we could pedal across in safety. Basically the rules for seem to be that pedestrians and cyclists have right of way. I felt like a princess.

    Full Member

    Basically the rules for seem to be that pedestrians and cyclists have right of way. I felt like a princess.

    In Spain we were riding along in a single file line going through a junction when the lights changed to red. Everybody else on the junction waited (even though their lights had gone green) until the last cyclist was through.

    A group of cyclists over there is treated as one vehicle, essentially the same as an articulated lorry going through a junction, so even if the lights go red, so long as the first rider is through, the others in the group have the right to proceed.

    What is very telling now though is what a shitstorm can be kicked up by cyclists. Flash rides (like that one on Blackfriars a few months ago), Twitter/Facebook campaigns, articles on the national news – it amazes me that people are still dumb enough to go round spouting anti-cyclist bollocks in the press – do they not realise the negative publicity that results?

    Free Member

    Basically the rules for seem to be that pedestrians and cyclists have right of way. I felt like a princess.

    The norm across most of Europe. Its enshrined in law

    Free Member

    I was just following an AL cab, he totally didn’t do anything wrong! And he was moving…
    How I haven’t assaulted one of there drivers I don’t know.
    Too many idiotic situations to mention.
    And this while driving in a white van!!

    Free Member

    Looks like the negative reviews on the App store are also starting to get through.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    what was the road tax thing about

    Full Member

    Done supersaiyan & PdeF. I’ve even written to my MP.

    Free Member

    Do they do cabs in Bahrain?

    Free Member


    A few years ago, almost every school child did a cycling proficiency test, which involved negotiating their way around bollards and learning the Highway Code. What has happened to that, and why is it not on the agenda any more?

    At least he’s done his research 🙄 Whats the first link after googling “cycle proficiency”….

    Free Member

    Fantastic, shame they say it’s come to a natural end though rather than: “we’ve let the contract lapse, because the chairman is a bellend”.

    Full Member

    With the money they were spanking on taxi’s , they should buy all the staff bikes. That’d really really piss him off!! 😀

    Full Member

    Hurray! Every time I get on my bike I think of more reasons why tw*ts in charge of 126-million-pound-turnover- through-driving companies should be given short shrift for bullying talk about cyclists.

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