Thanks for the kind words everyone. It means a lot to me, believe me
This place has a lot to answer for, thats for sure. This whole thing came from the illustrations I started doing for the Monday Night Pun Ride threads. This was the first one I ever did in this style, nearly ten years ago now 😳
Since then its fair to say its taken on a life of its own. to say the least. Its a real honour to do these commissions. I sort of see myself of being entrusted to chronicle and illustrate all your adventures, if that makes sense. Because they are adventures. You lot really do give me the best material to work with.
For my part this is genuinely a labour of love for me. Debs (Mrs Binners) finds this hilarious because in her words ‘you’re a cocky bastard and its the only time I ever see you nervous’. I agonise over them before I send the first visuals through to their new owners. I genuinely feel its quite a responsibility to draw the people and places that are the closest thing to your hearts. What if they hate it? What if its not what they envisioned at all? We’re all desperately insecure us creative types, behind all the gobby bravado 😂
Anyway. Thats enough flannel from me. That all went a bit Gwyneth Paltrow, didn’t it? What I’m trying to say is thank you for trusting me with your most important memories and letting me do something I absolutely LOVE! And TJ’s was really special, for obvious reasons.
Heres the latest commission. Selva in Mallorca in the summer sun. A 1.5 metre wide panoramic print
Mallorca Selve image for Gemma V3 by bin lid[/url], on Flickr
I do a lot of panoramics. A format that doesn’t really translate to Instagram, but theres loads here