Home Forums Bike Forum A picture of my new bicycle with no gears and big wheels.

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  • A picture of my new bicycle with no gears and big wheels.
  • TheSwede
    Free Member

    Just thrown together tonight. White ZTR flow rims and black CK hubs to follow.

    Free Member

    White saddle? Grips?

    Free Member

    Very nice indeed. Put it back up when you have the ZTR's on it as well.

    Good work.

    Free Member

    Looks gay

    Free Member

    Surely it has one gear?

    Otherwise what are the cranks and chain for?

    Nice though.

    Full Member

    looks like it belongs to a gayer.

    Free Member

    Ayatollahofniche – Member

    Looks gay

    singlespeedstu – Member

    looks like it belongs to a gayer.
    It is and I am.

    Full Member

    Oh and only attention whores would put white flow rims with black CK hubs on their bike.


    Free Member

    That looks gay too

    Free Member

    You got it ok from the US then… Any hassles?

    Looks tidy, except it needs some sort of gears… I recommend one of them new fangled hub gear thingamy's, they seem to do the job quite nicely! :wink:

    Full Member

    Couldn't you get anything whiter? :)

    Very neat.

    Full Member

    ventana's are crap……….. :wink:

    Free Member

    Stu. Go and check your bike. They are missing :wink:
    Mark, just a hefty vat tab to pick up at parcel farce depot but hey ho. My leg muscles seam to do the job ok with out 5lbs of shite clunking away back there. You just have to try harder you wimp :wink:
    epicyclo, I could but I didn't want it to look too ga…. oh.
    Tony, if you can't break one, they must be strong at least :wink:

    Free Member

    I really like that. Just looked at the Ventana website and they do them in a super-monster 24". Bonkers!

    Full Member

    tis very very nice indeed.

    i have a itch for one…….. :lol:

    Full Member

    looks very nice indeed, I especially like the wide bars to help you take it for a walk up hills :wink:

    Full Member

    Nice to see another Ventana on here, looks very nice

    Free Member

    Looks really good :)

    Free Member

    Mark, just a hefty vat tab to pick up at parcel farce depot but hey ho. My leg muscles seam to do the job ok with out 5lbs of shite clunking away back there. You just have to try harder you wimp

    4.5lbs mate, be fair! :wink:

    Got stung on the VAT then, bit of a bummer! Price you pay for being such a niche monger it would seem…

    Full Member

    Ton, one of those would match the FS beautifully

    Free Member

    I quite enjoy myself bodging bikes together on a budget, but every now and again something pops up on here & I get bike envy…

    That looks great. :-)

    Free Member

    Got stung on the VAT then

    No, still saved money importing it but I was just hoping to get away with the customs rape.
    Thanks Tinsy.

    Free Member

    I am swiftly developing a love of white bikes with nice clean lines.

    I am v jelous of the ability to casualy mention CK hubs and other shiny newness in a throw away manner.

    You lucky sod.

    Free Member

    Im not Roying you or anything, but thats the best bike Iv seen in ages. And it looks..sort of in proportion too

    Full Member

    i can't see the point of big wheels or SS, what is it?

    Free Member

    The web site has not yet been updated showing the new frame with slidey drop outs. You can't get the ebb one any more which is why I had to hunt for it and get it sent over from Sacramento.
    Alas, maybe you are stuck with your dinky wheels and no sense of achievement after a ride. Do you always do it missionary. :wink:

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Silly boy fancy posting a non mainstream bike on here just so you can have your pride and joy ripped to shreds !


    How can you ride with only front suspension ?


    Full Member

    swede- what was the shipping cost and VAT? i keep looking at belt drive spot longboard and i'm trying to work out if it's as good a deal as it seems to import. Was it ok for you or a bit of a ball ache?

    Free Member

    Taz, I read that the long board belt drive is flawed and needs development due to flex and belt line issues but shipping was $70 via usps, VAT and handling was £80.
    Jas, as long as you loves it bab, I don't care.X

    Full Member

    ooooo that sounds iffy do you have link to any reviews? i've seen a couple of positive one but no reports of flexy bits ruining performance (well not bike related anyway)

    Full Member

    Alas, maybe you are stuck with your dinky wheels and no sense of achievement after a ride. Do you always do it missionary[/i]

    Someone bring him up to speed please :-)

    Full Member

    Someone bring him up to speed please:-)

    he is, he's only got one, so he'll be spinning along like a hamster on 'phetamine like all the other SS riders

    Free Member

    Oh, I get it. You Have one or two. Sorry, your comment was so un witty I thought you were serious. :wink:

    Full Member

    No, it was just too subtle, wit had nothing to do with it

    Free Member

    Alas, maybe you are stuck with your dinky wheels and no sense of achievement after a ride.

    You need a bike with silly big wheels for a sense of achievement after a ride? Or is this what you need to tell yourself with a bike with big silly wheels.

    Free Member

    White's obviously where it's at – Rocketdogs pic

    – but nicer :lol:

    Full Member

    coogan- you forget that ladies love big wheels

    Free Member

    Dang. Bitchin' wheels.

    Free Member

    You need a bike with silly big wheels for a sense of achievement after a ride? Or is this what you need to tell yourself with a bike with big silly wheels.

    Um, I was talking about the no gears bit.

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