changing into their best star wars t-shirts round about now
(Reads OP; goes to put on best Star Wars socks, reads Barnsleymitch's post; decides to slink away quietly, hoping no-one has noticed)
Well, I'd say positing up her details and pics on here would be perhaps the worst idea, really, judging by the sheer level of idiocy. 🙁
Get her a bike, and take her out on group rides with you. She'll get to meet people in a relaxed, non-threatening and comfortable atmosphere. Other similar activities are good obviously. The sort of thing where she can get to meet the same people a few times, hopefully strike up positive, happy undemanding relationships with others. The more you force the issue, the more fraught with difficulty and disappointment it can become.
Pubs/clubs etc are probably some of the worst places for someone looking for a relationship really, especially if you're not 18.
Don't put her pic up on here, ffs. If some of the replies on here are anything to go by, the response to such madness could be catastrophic.