Hmm, a rave night with a bunch of 40-something STWers… 😕
Drum and Bass nights were always quite heavy with lots of people who didn’t want to dance and liked fighting,
I really liked the dancing part too actually. 😳 Quite enjoyed a good pagga though.
DnB was good cos you din’t get loads of poncey pretentious Middle Class kids coming down to raves acting all w4nky; they got put off by the myth that DnB was ‘dangerous’ because raves took place in (God Forbid) Hackney and places like that and there were lots of Black people there. What a load of crap. I was too busy dancing (y’know, really dancin’) to notice much untoward.
I’d need ambulance now, if I tried to emulate me raving days. Lord above it weren’t good for you I’m sure.
Still got it though, if the need arises…