lol! I read the first book yesterday. Well, I tried to. What utter tripe!
Absolutely and massively, more Dan Browne. Terribly written, but because Richard and Judy say its good, people who normally don’t read pick it up and say it’s good. Sales go through the roof.
There are books out there that will grab you by the entrails and thrash you around all night. Quality books you simply cannot put down. So much better than this trash and yet they are all missed because some TV presenters can’t understand them.
Get out there, stop listening to the sheep herders, challenge your own limits and just read what comes along. You don’t need to be told what to read. Just grab a book and give it a a go. Some will be terrible like this stuff, others will change your life. That’s not inane chatter, they will change … your….life. Read, now.