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  • 40 tomorrow….
  • loddrik
    Free Member

    It’s starting to dawn on my that I may never score in front of the Kop. Hair fell out years ago, I’ve always been overweight. I guess there’s not too much to look forward to now…

    Full Member

    Age is all in the mind, can’t say turning 40 made any difference to me….

    Full Member

    You don’t grow up because you grow old, you grow old because you grow up!!
    I’m 42 in 5 weeks!! I will never grow up & I will always have achievements to aim for! 😀

    Free Member

    Happy birthday to ya
    Happy birthday to ya
    Happy birrrrthday.

    40’s no different to 39 really, and the alternative is not making it to 40 which, lets face it, sucks.

    Free Member

    You can look forward to 50. I don’t feel significantly older than when I was 40 and don’t seem to be any slower (mainly because that isn’t saying much to start with, admittedly).

    Seems to hurt more and for longer when I fall off, but that’s all.

    I rode all the trails at Gawton for the first time last month – bring it on!

    Full Member

    I take longer to recover from big exertions and am much less tolerant of crap, but those are the only differences between 30 and 40 (that I’ve noticed).

    Full Member

    only the slide into middle age grumpy and randomly arguing with folk on the internet or shouting at the telly to look forward to before you start wearing beige and smelling of piss.

    time to fetch a vet with a shotgun old boy.

    Full Member

    and am much less tolerant of crap,

    see I’m, right… footflaps is already at the shouty telly stage and next will be knocking one out to the pic of an old dear in comfort slacks advertised in a middle class Sunday supplement

    Full Member

    see I’m, right… footflaps is already at the shouty telly stage

    Way beyond that! I’m so intolerant of crap I don’t even own a TV and refuse to have one in the house. Fiancee is slowly coming round to the situation…

    Free Member

    Dingabell , makes a valid point ,you will turn 40 and not get stuck on 39 – thats got to be good? I too am turning 40 this year allthough not for 86 days .I wanted to do something epic like the Mega A, but it will cost too much ,so then i looked at the Rat race crossing but didnt look great value ,so im kind of just gonna do something spur of the moment and then eat at one of the worlds top 50 restaraunts (been a yearly tradition since 2005 )I havn’t suceeded in all my youth-full goals but have achived a lot ,my dream job has been and gone and it wasn’t all dream(hence gone)but im living next to the beach , i’m mortgage free and i got a “Beast of the east” I still see friends from my childhood and my family and those times are great so enjoy turning 40 and if you get any cool suggestions for your mile – stone enjoy and take a moment out to reflect ?

    Full Member

    40 in July. Not looking forward to it but, I’ll be in Peru on my bicycle so hopefully that will distract me from the horror… 😕

    I can already picture my state of mind first day back post-adventures, at work, 40 years old…. Not looking forward to it, but hey, always look on the………. Nah man sod that… I’m depressed already…

    Free Member

    47 here. Not overjoyed about it but it’s a damn sight better then the alternative. As long as you’re at least reasonably happy with your lot there’s not too much point about getting stressed about getting older.

    Happy 40th btw! 🙂

    Full Member

    Wow…lots of 40ths here. It was mine last week!

    Full Member

    Mine’s next year. I’m feeling a bit meh about it to be honest. Just another year closer to pension/death.

    Full Member

    Wow…lots of 40ths here

    you can now join the fat balding middle aged STW stereotype club. next step 3/4 shorts and birkenstocks in the summer 😀

    Full Member

    Just need the birkenstocks.

    Free Member

    What is the obsession with hair? Mines been number2 for 20yrs. Npt because Im bald (still number2) purely because my power comes from within not dead stuff on my head.

    Full Member

    What is the obsession with hair? Mines been number2 for 20yrs.

    fairy muff. The STW stereotype of fat (very close cropped hair, not baliding at all, well maybe just a bit thin)middle age grumpy gits 😀

    Free Member

    Happy birthday for tomorrow.

    I was unemployed on my 40th (I received a job offer 2 days later though).

    I enjoyed the day, did a lot of thinking and reflecting.

    Free Member

    40 ,,,,youngster

    Free Member

    Had my 40th in Whistler. 47 this time and I’m feelin’ good… 8)

    Age is in the head.

    Free Member

    I’m 50 on Thursday!!

    Overall, my 40’s (or 5th decade) has been the best and I feel it’s getting better 😀

    I’m certainly feeling a greater sense of personal history and experience along with the opportunities to apply knowledge (dare I say, a modicum of wisdom?!!) And as previously noted, it’s only a number!

    Happy birthday fella! 40 is the new 30 dontcha know??!! 😀

    Free Member

    You won’t feel any different, I know I didn’t.

    16 years later however……

    Full Member

    40.. youngster.. didnt have my first kid till i was 40.. didnt ride full suspension till i was 40..

    Free Member

    Happy birthday! You share it with my Dad and Wife!

    Full Member

    My 40th is in….

    12 years, yesterday. 😆

    Free Member

    42 here

    Never scored in from of the Kop, but my lad has when he was a mascot, just as good in my book 🙂

    Just a number mate (although I still have a full head of hair so haha) 🙂

    Happy Birthday

    Free Member

    Happy birthday !

    My 40th marked the tragic start of the Wahl hair clipper guard set fully back to blend in the remains of my Eddy Munster hairdo to my shiny forehead 🙂

    40 is cool. Enjoy it !

    Free Member

    August for me and I’m really not keen on the idea.

    Free Member

    44 next Monday.

    Just forget about the numbers and carry on enjoying life.

    Full Member

    45 this year.

    40 is OK. You’ll live, but not for very much longer. 😉

    Full Member

    45 this year.

    40 is OK. You’ll live, but not for very much longer. 😉

    Free Member

    Look on the bright side, you’re unlikley to last to 80 so too old for a mid life crisis

    Full Member

    Happy Birthday!

    Free Member

    40?? **** kids! Does your Mummy know you’re playing on an adult’s forum?

    Free Member

    40 next year, doesn’t really bother me although i do have the odd day when i wonder what happened to the last 20 years. Hair loss started late teens so that no problem, but i do wonder how my dad who is 73 this year still has all of his hair!!

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