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  • 29er Forks.
  • Inbred456
    Free Member

    Thinking of going down the 29er path. I’m 6ft 4 and really only go XC. My days of bashing through stuff are long gone. What fork do you guys recommend. Do I even need a suspension fork or should I go for carbon like the Ragley. This will be a major purchase so I have to get this right first time or my wife will divorce me. As with most purchases it’s easier to buy separate bits and then build it up over time to hide the cost 😉

    Full Member

    Are you used to rigid otherwise then?

    Free Member

    i thought the carbon ragley forks were like the unicorn 😉

    seriously though i find my 29er doesnt really need suspension for decending – but for technical climbing its tough work on your stomach 😀

    Free Member

    At the very least i’d suggest that if you go for suspension that some form of Bolt Thru axle is preferable. I have 20mm Reba teams and they’ve been very good. Also have some cheap Suntour Epicon 15mm (when CRC had them at a bargain £180) which have been ok (especially for the money). My hardtail still has QR Reba’s which are good but i prefer the bolt thru’s.

    I ran rigids for a while which are fine for the ups and most of the flat stuff but you do miss suspension on the bumpy downs and rigid is still rigid despite bigger wheels and big volume tyres.

    Free Member

    I run rigid carbon forks in winter but like a bit of bounce at front although this has led to taunts of homo and Gayer and such.

    Free Member

    haha in true stw fashion me and mr tall say exactly opposites 😀

    Free Member

    One bike with exotic’s and another bike with Rock Shox Reba’s with lock out! Both great, but I tend to use the rigid unless hitting the rocks!

    Free Member

    get it right first time? i’d say don’t go rigid unless you know you like it allready. i’ve tried it with 2 rigid forks, its great on some terrain but i prefer suspension and doubt i’ll try rigid again. as for recommedations i like manitou minute/tower pro, but rebas and toras were o.k. too.

    Free Member

    Rigid certainly is’nt for everyone.It took a couple of years to re-learn the techniques needed to make riding rigid bearable (and at best it’s bearable!).Five years down the road it feels very odd riding any suspension at all.There is the odd occasion when I think it’d be good but they soon pass when I see the price/weight and remember I do a LOT of mileage.

    Full Member

    A thread about a month ago discussed some of the options, try here. I have run a 29er Scandal both rigid – with a Salsa Cromoto fork – and with an RST M29. It is currently back to rigid while I wait for some replacement parts for the M29. I also have a FS 29er with a Reba 100mm QR up front.

    I run the Scandal as a winter bike. I really like the Salsa fork. I haven’t tried carbon forks for reasons of expense and the fact that I am a Clydesdale but a recent WMB test[/url] went for the Salsa ahead of the carbon offerings anyway.

    On tarmac and smooth bridleaway I don’t notice much difference between the Salsa and the M29 and any extra bumpiness is made up for by the weight advantage. Once things go downhill and a bit rougher the suspension does save my wrists from undue punishment.

    On the full sus, I would have preferred to go for a Maxle Reba but just couldn’t easily find one with a straight steerer. May be easier now and there were some suggestions on possible sources for them in the other thread. Other than possible peace of mind, in reality for the XC stuff that I do round the NY Moors, I am not sure that I notice any issues with having the QR version instead.

    Manitou Tower Pro gets good reviews but getting spare springs if you are not of standard weight seems problematical at the moment. Their 20mm axle design also appears a bit more faffy than the Maxle. There is a good review on one of the US 29er specific websites – here[/url] – but not unsurprisingly they didn’t have any issues getting the spring kits.

    Full Member

    reba 20mm bolt thru here.
    rigid are for skinny bearded pervs………. 😀

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    reba 20mm bolt thru here.
    rigid are for skinny bearded pervs……….

    Skinny – Nope
    Bearded – Thining about it
    Perv – Definatly

    I’ve been using the Manitou Minutes for the past few years and i must say that for the price they are fantastic. Got a 20mm both through are light an I’ve found easy to set up.

    Only draw back is the servicing side of it. My lbs can’t do it so have to send em off to TFT.

    For the money i can’t see the point of getting Rebas or Fox’s.

    Free Member

    Good comments so far, Reba’s or Minutes seem to be the most popular, I’ll get a price and see how expensive things are. According to my wife this better be the last bike related purchase for some time although as I see it I’ve just bought her a caravan so I have a bit to go yet!

    Free Member

    Don’t buy these forks. They bang like a shit-house door. 🙄

    Free Member

    started off rigid on my swift, but much better with some 29er Manitou on it..

    they work well, are light and are a bargain..

    though wish i had got 100mm rather than 80mm as the axle to crown dim on the 80mm when sagged is shorter than the singular swift fork measurement.

    ride kit plus new stanchion/crown is required to alter travel upwards

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