Home Forums Bike Forum 27.5 plus fork

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  • 27.5 plus fork
  • iolo
    Free Member

    I am getting dome second hand Ghost Teru ebikes but they have bad forks (Suntour XCR that desperately need a service). I would rather replace with a semi decent fork.
    Is there a specific 27.5 plus fork? Or should I get 29 inch specific forks? Would I actually need 27.5 fork?
    As you can see, I have no idea what I need. Any help would be very appreciated.
    Also, if you know of any deals going on 120mm forks to suit – bolt through please feel free to share.
    Thanks 🙂

    Full Member

    There are both 27.5+ forks and forks that will take either 27.5+ or 29. Depends on the brand. A normal 27.5 will be too small.

    Full Member

    I have some X-Fusion sweeps that are 27.5″ non-boost and they take a 2.8″ Nobby Nic on a 40mm wide rim, with no interference at full compression.

    A bit of a squeeze but do go in safely – you might get a pair cheaper than the usual main brands.

    You can adjust the travel but not sure if they go down to 120mm.

    Full Member

    The McQueen is xfusions proper 27.5+fork.

    Free Member

    Would a 29 fork work?

    Full Member

    Depends which one. A lot will yes. Post the fork you are thinking of. Well need to be a boost fork to have proper the clearance (done mind boost may work but it’ll be a bigger and it’s likely you’ll have a boost wheel).

    FWIW I have a set of 27.5+/29 Manitou Machete comps with a 3″ WTB tyre set at 120mm. They were not that expensive and feel much better in use than their cost suggests they should.

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