Home Forums Bike Forum 26" Five swingarm flex or ?…..

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  • 26" Five swingarm flex or ?…..
  • simon80
    Free Member

    Hi all,
    I’m running a 2.4 conti Baron Projekt on the back of my Five.
    There is loads of clearance at rest.
    However I’ve noticed that on high speed, flatish corners that I’m scrubbing alot of speed mid corner (mainly Accelerator if you’re familiar with Hamsterley).
    At first I thought it was down to a very grippy back tyre, but I’ve noticed mud marks down the inside of the swingarm where the tyre is.
    Anyone else found issues with max tyre size, or is it just a downfall of running a grippy tyre?

    Full Member

    Yep, it’s just inherent in the design- it’s a long, unsupported box section. My 224 Evo was pretty damn flexy too (with the axle out you could flex it with your bare hands) It’s not all bad- I honestly reckon it gave the bike extra traction and general chaos-dealing-with ability, smearing the rear around but it meant I had 2 massive grooves in the arm where the tyres had invaded.

    Still, have to say I was never aware of it in terms of speed- I heard and felt it but it didn’t seem to choke up.

    Full Member

    Can you adapt the hub and fit a bigger axle?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the reply Northwind!
    Guess I’ll downsize to a maxxis 2.3 for summer, never noticed this problem before.
    Pedalling to get back up to speed when you’re usually pumping is a PITA….

    Free Member

    I run one of these

    Currently out of stock.

    Free Member

    I already have a maxle in the rear.
    I don’t know if a different axle would make any difference?

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