Home Forums Bike Forum 24hour solo… when's it ok to start feeling tired?

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  • 24hour solo… when's it ok to start feeling tired?
  • xc-steve
    Free Member

    Hello all I'm a 24hour solo rookie… Simple question really, when's too early for you to start feeling tired? Like obviously if I'm hanging out my ass after 3hours I'm in danger but if I'm still feeling fresh come 15hours then perhaps I'm taking it too easy… or does it not work like that at all?!

    I do just aim to take it as it comes but would be nice to know from other people's experiences etc.

    Full Member

    Sometimes you'll feel rougher after 6hrs that you will after 15. My legs often ache more in the first 8hrs than they do later on.

    You'll have good points and bad points (and you will have bad points), it's your head that'll be the limiting factor. 🙂

    Free Member

    I am normally knackered after the run or should I say walk to my bike.

    Free Member

    I find first 5-6 laps tough until i get into a rhythym.
    I seem to get better after around 10 hours, then go through a mullered bit around 16 hours.

    As soon as the sun comes up it's all good 🙂

    Free Member

    What dave said steve . its all in head …..i thought i was wreaked . Found out second overtook me and dug deep and found one of the fastest solo laps in event to make sure i won …….

    Free Member

    Only done one, and that was on the road. Started at 2pm. Feeling tired around 10pm but kept plodding along. Got more and more tired gradually and started halucinating around 3am. Fell asleep on the bike at about 3:45am, stopped for 20mins sleep about 4am. Bit of a lift around dawn, 6am, started getting faster again. Rain came down hard around 7am, slowed down again. Plodding again until around 11am then picked the pace up again. Not sure what happened in the last hour, was flying again, 20+mph!

    As skills guiding said, if you get to dawn you should be fine.

    Free Member

    I've got my first coming up in 22 days-ish.
    Down for a week so far these last 7 days with a stinking cold.
    That's 6+ weeks off the bike in 2010.
    Poor preparation, and I'm annoyed TBH.
    Had hoped to really "screw the nut" and make a good attempt at 17hrs in the saddle.
    Bed by 11pm!

    Free Member

    you doing the 24/12 then steve?
    im doing the 12 hr solo havent done any training yet so i'll be goosed after 2 hours i'll bet..

    Full Member

    Twentyfour12 a couple of years ago – had to sleep after 11 hours, but then woke up fine and carried on the rest of the time…

    Keep eating and looking forward to dawn/food etc.

    Free Member

    Nah Clic24 on a stag do for the 24/12 (not sure if I'm gutted to miss it or not!) Thanks for the advice guys, so basically its a roller coaster!? Sounds like it should be fun provided it doesn't rain!

    Free Member

    i hear you did ok for a rookie!!!

    Free Member

    I felt knackered after every lap but kept eating, drinking and plodding on. It got me around. I used to chat to different riders as well to take my mind of it and it is good to up the pace to keep up with somebody going slightly faster.

    This stopped me from coming to a grinding halt!

    Free Member

    Yep 23 laps and won the "not" race – well done brother!I only managed 13 laps and my bum hurt(not bike related)

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