Home Forums Bike Forum 2.4 Ardent on a Dually …. Okay?

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  • 2.4 Ardent on a Dually …. Okay?
  • letmetalktomark
    Full Member

    Is the 2.4 Ardent big enough for a Dually rim (29″ if that makes a difference)

    Looking to re use a 29er+ wheel without having to buy a Knard/Chronicle etc 😳

    If your running this combo front of rear have you any rim strikes, issues etc?

    Free Member

    Yes. I ran one for a bit before I got my knard.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I’ve got a 2.4 Ardent on a 50mm rim and it works well so should be fine on the slightly narrower Dually.

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