Home Forums Bike Forum 2012 Mavic Crossmax SLR – To buy or not to buy?

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  • 2012 Mavic Crossmax SLR – To buy or not to buy?
  • hairyjeremy
    Free Member

    Need to change my wheelset and have always been a big fan of Mavics, but having read a whole bunch of bad reviews about their latest featherweight milled rims, high maintenance hubs and creaky spokes I am wondering if the current range are worth the hefty investment. Is this true or just the views of a vocal minority?

    Full Member

    both my wheels sets have been good. i ruined one bearing with a jet wash though 😀

    Free Member

    I don’t like them for the reasons you’ve mentioned.

    Kings or 240s on Stans rims – durable, light, easy to mend…


    Free Member

    It concurs with what I hear.

    Full Member

    i been smacking the hell out of mine for months now. 7 days a week of rotational love 🙂

    Free Member

    Is an annual servicing of freewheel hubs common to all makes or is the Mavic more needy than most? Can’t say I’ve ever bothered myself.

    Full Member

    i moved from chris king ages ago onto hadley then onto crossmax completes.
    no regrets at all

    Free Member

    I recently got some 2012 ST’s…..very happy with them!!

    Free Member

    But Tony you’re presumably not using SLRs, so the points mentioned are pretty moot…

    Gee +1

    They’re not light, spares are hard to come by and they’re expensive.

    Full Member

    he says are the current range worthy! i got sx and st’s

    Free Member

    Good time to buy especially as they have their MP3 Crash Replacement for only a £1 (until May 15th). It convinced me I needed* a pair of Ksyrium SLR’s

    (* = wanted)

    Free Member

    I use to swear by my SLR and SL wheels until I purchased some DT 240 on Olympics while the SLRs were off for repair.
    The SLRs were sold as soon as I had them back. They (SLRs) are great looking but dont do anything better than cheaper custom builds or even factory American classic wheels .

    Free Member

    I had to put a new rim on one of mne £135 each plus spokes ouch!
    As far as I know there is no UK stockist all spares come from France and have to be ordered. Back on CK / hope stans now.

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

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