Home Forums Bike Forum 2004 Fox Float 100 RL – Repair or Buy New

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  • 2004 Fox Float 100 RL – Repair or Buy New
  • redthunder
    Free Member

    My 2004 Fox Float 100 RL’s have started leaking oil on the right leg 🙁

    However, I’ve never done a thing with them from a servicing point of view.

    Both stanchions are slightly scratched the one on the right might be the cause of the leak but you can hardly feel it and probably is a coincidence.

    Should I get then serviced with the possibility of new stanchions [cost who knows] or would it be better to get new.

    What would be a good replacement or modern equivalent of the 2004 Fox Float 100 RL.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Full Member

    I’m after a right hand rebound cartridge so if you are selling for spares please let me know.

    Free Member

    Try and get a quote for a repair/service first (or get them to call you before embarking on any work once they’ve looked at them) and make your call based on that.

    They could be fine and just needing a proper service.

    Thing is, IME Fox do need regular servicing, even just by you, so after 6 years of nothing, there could be issues….

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps.

    Just looked on the Interweb and new stanchions are coming back at 180-200 and 50-80 for a service.

    May as well get new forks.

    Whats peoples views on the PACE RC31 rigid. Considering loosing the maintenance fuss of suspension forks.

    Free Member


    I had some 2004 that went the same way (also none serviced, before I was educated!) and when mojo received them, the air springs were so worn that they advised to bin them – so I suspect your’s would go the same way. I’ve also ridden the RC-31 (Ti) and they were quite good – slower, but noticeably lighter and the flex does help! Run a fat tyre at lower pressure and away you go.

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