Sam Pilgrim

Sam Pilgrim Off Monster: Who Should Sponsor Him Next?

by 47

Canyon rider Sam Pilgrim has announced his 13 year contract with Monster Energy has come to an end. Apparently there are no hard feelings and he’s got plans for promoting brands in the future, with exciting things to come.

So, who could sponsor Mr Today Is Going To Be Epic next? We have some ideas for sponsors and future videos…

Some sort of kombucha company to get him all healthy and chakras aligned?

‘My scobie exploded and the mess was epic!’

‘Riding gnarly features but my gut biome is zen!’

Lucozade, inexplicably popular with teenagers, and the most found brand on trail cleans?

‘Lucozade, for sick tricks as well as when you’re sick and old’


‘Can a cyclist survive instant coffee?’

Yorkshire Tea

Can you imagine the outcry? ‘My next gap jump is bigger than the north/south divide!’

Rich Energy

Well, now we’re just being silly. Who would you like to see sponsoring Sam Pilgrim?

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • Sam Pilgrim Off Monster: Who Should Sponsor Him Next?
  • 6
    Free Member


    Free Member

    These guys are just around the corner…

    Full Member

    Crack a monny o clock!!!!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Only Sams

    Full Member

    “drink water” would be nice. Horrible seeing kids (and adults!) drinking monster etc….

    Full Member

    Diabetes UK?

    Space X. So he really can go “to the moon”

    Full Member

    Some chavvy million KW electric motorbike company for wicked skills in the local park type sponsorship.

    Or Thor copper and hide mallets…

    Free Member

    First reply nails it.

    I have a lot of time for Pilgrims riding, but riding your eMX bike up the local park? Unsubscribe.

    Free Member

    First reply nails it.

    I have a lot of time for Pilgrims riding

    How riding maybe, but his persona…. Zero.

    Full Member

    He’s on my unwatchable list.

    Free Member

    Dragon Soop

    Full Member

    Pilgrims Choice Immature Cheddar?

    Full Member

    Rich Energy?

    As an aside, why do folk not like him?, if he can make a living from what he’s doing riding bikes and dicking around then good for him, certainly beats an IT job.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Please nobody who makes anything I want to buy. Bought an Ergon saddle despite their sponsorship of this guy. Respect Magura for dropping him due to something or the other he did a while back.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I don’t know much about him, but it’s nice to see him involve and encourage the young locals in that video.

    Full Member

    As an aside, why do folk not like him?

    Personally I find his “Oi, Oi, Oi” character grates, I couldn’t do what he does, and I totally respect the niche he carved out for himself on YouTube and wish him all the best, just don’t wanna watch it

    Full Member

    He can be a bit of a Richard at times, but I’ve not come across another UK Youtuber, except for his mate Tom Cardy who encourages the kids as much.

    Is there another ‘influencer’* on the Tube who does as much to engage with the local kids?

    *Apologies for that word. Off to punish myself with a big stick now.

    Free Member

    Who should sponsor him next?

    What a weird theme for an article. Looking forward to next week’s “Where should Steve Peat go on his holidays?”.

    Full Member

    Some sort of high end tool company, Park whatever…have you seen those contraptions he enjoys building and riding


    I honestly think he’d be good for any company that picks him up.


    You can tell he just does everything he does for the love of it and clearly gives A LOT of his time encouraging/helping kids.


    The fact that he annoys so many judgemental types here on STW can only be a good thing.

    Full Member

    “Some sort of high end tool company, Park whatever…”

    Just in time for Park to bring out their new ‘Headset Fitting Brick’, and ‘Fork Internals Paint Sprayer’ :)

    (Could do with a Park forum fixing tool really, quote/image function is borked yet again)

    Free Member

    Some sort of high end tool company

    Stannley – a good hammer

    Always gobsmacked by how he treated his sponsors kit, but then who would want to have to ride a Haibike, ugly things !

    I dont mind his vids, his riding skills are on another level, and it was noticeable how he was doing less ‘crack a monny o’clock’ in his vids for the last year.

    I assume he makes far more money from Swatch, Canyon and Sur-Ron.

    Very talented bike rider and YouTuber

    Free Member

    What about “Glucozade Port”, it certainly makes you *think* you’re performing better…

    Full Member

    As an aside, why do folk not like him?

    On here? loLZ. Working class lad making a decent living from messing about and enjoying himself..? hmm, I wonder.

    Free Member

    Nobody, all he does is dick about on bikes, how are sponsors getting their money’s worth. But maybe Travis Perkins, cos a kerb stone and a brick seem to be his favourite tools for filing steerers and starnut fitting.

    Full Member

    I enjoyed his messing about, got a bit repetitive, so stopped watching. But this little episode didn’t reflect well on him.

    Sam pilgrim garden build taken down

    Free Member

    On here? loLZ. Working class lad making a decent living from messing about and enjoying himself..? hmm, I wonder.

    I don’t know if that’s more offensive to the working class because it implies he’s representative of something, or because it implies you’ll always be working class however well you do.

    Free Member

    Given he’s an absolute melon, Mad Dog 20/20 would be a good fit.

    Full Member

    Seen him a few times at the local park (Twisted Oaks).  He barely gets out of his van before he’s surrounded by kids, but he always spends a bit of time with them.

    Actually a fairly quiet chap when he’s not “Influencing” or “Vlogging”, and seems down to earth.

    I don’t agree with some of his video choices, so I won’t watch them – simple.

    But, the man can seriously ride a bike very very well!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As an aside, why do folk not like him?

    On here? loLZ. Working class lad making a decent living from messing about and enjoying himself..? hmm, I wonder.

    Why did Singletrack post the article, click bait special. :)

    Why do so many on here add their bitter opinion, life is so unfair when you have a student loan to pay from a less-than-UK average salary. I remember the good old days when only people from nice houses made money from audio-visual output.

    Full Member

    Love a bit of Sam.

    Always DISLIKE his Surron videos mind.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Shell. If it’s good enough for British Cycling.

    Full Member

    Came here to say marmite! Beaten to it.

    Or maybe OnlyFans

    In that Sam is also a bit like masturbation (edit for the swear filter).

    Enjoyable, but feel ashamed afterwards sometimes

    Full Member

    He seems to have calmed down quite a bit in recent times. I find him less difficult to watch these days.

    What a weird theme for an article. Looking forward to next week’s “Where should Steve Peat go on his holidays?”.

    I don’t think the article is entirely serious. Irreverent and a bit of fun,  like Sam.

    Full Member

    I miss the maintenance videos the most 😞

    Free Member

    Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson.

    Full Member

    Power Horse Energy Drink

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