An Alternative Year in Sport

by and 26

Today’s the day when Strava does its ‘Year In Sport’ thing, and your social media feeds will be filled with miles ridden, feet climbed, cups won and other such data driven achievements. For those of you without a virtual trophy cabinet, or maybe just with busy lives, it can be a demoralising time. But fear not, for we have here an Alternative Year in Sport. Tick off those achievements, recall those fond memories, and stick…

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Amanda Wishart

Art Director

Amanda is our resident pedaller, who loves the climbs as much as the descents. No genre of biking is turned down, though she is happiest when at the top of a mountain with a wild descent ahead of her. If you ever want a chat about concussion recovery, dealing with a Womb of Doom or how best to fuel an endurance XC race, she's the one to email.

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Home Forums An Alternative Year in Sport

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  • An Alternative Year in Sport
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    Excellent. This is my style of riding.

    Although I’m on -5 – no batteries nearly ran out, I’ve not matched outfits, I’ve not swum this year, ‘schrooms have evaded me and I’ve not picked up a new riding friend. On a technicality, my £5 was unexpectedly in my phone.


    Full Member

    Another vote for this article thats just what we do when out riding!

    On a cold day when I am feeling a bit glum it made me smile!

    Full Member

    I came across this fine example of number 22 just over a month ago.

    Full Member

    This is what it’s about. *thumbsup*

    Full Member

    I can relate more to some of them than i do to Strava that’s for sure, i stopped using Strava which is a shame in a way as there’s memories and days you forget.. but it’s easy to get hung up on things.

    Free Member

    Is this the thread which finally sees the Like button added.

    Full Member

    I’m happy to say I ticked a few of those off this past year. I didn’t beat a trail nemesis, but my mate did, which was just as good.

    Sometimes just getting out is good enough, whether it’s on Strava or not.

    Free Member

    Hurray, some common sense. None of the GMBN ride faster/gnarlier/shreddier. Just go outside and enjoy it (the miserable bits as well.)

    Full Member

    Nice article, I read through the list and did a mental yes, yes with pretty much each point. I had a great year on the bike and I’m hoping next year will be just as good.

    Full Member

    I found a sort of number 14 last week . Sub zero ride on the Mendip , getting cold and hungry headed to usual cafe to find they’d shut early 😞😞😞😞 Got back to the car feeling sorry for myself , driving through a little village on the way home stopped at the little shop . 230 pm they will have long run out of hot food surely , nope best pasty EVER and the lady made me a coffee , only instant but boy oh boy oh boy 👍👍👍I must have looked really sorry for myself 😬😬😬😬

    Full Member

    I found a sort of number 14 last week . Sub zero ride on the Mendip , getting cold and hungry headed to usual cafe to find they’d shut early 😞😞😞😞 Got back to the car feeling sorry for myself , driving through a little village on the way home stopped at the little shop . 230 pm they will have long run out of hot food surely , nope best pasty EVER and the lady made me a coffee , only instant but boy oh boy oh boy 👍👍👍I must have looked really sorry for myself 😬😬😬😬

    Full Member

    I’d add a ‘part B’ to #10 … Experiencing a perfect sunrise. You’re out there, on your own, whilst everyone else is still in bed …

    Full Member

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    Free Member

    I’d add a ‘part B’ to #10 … Experiencing a perfect sunrise. You’re out there, on your own, whilst everyone else is still in bed …

    Oh yes.

    Can I also add in another? Remembering the heat of summer in Spain (32*c) while riding in -8*c….

    Full Member

    I entirely agree with everyone – as a bit of a Strava addict, sometimes I need a reminder that just getting out and enjoying it is what it’s all about! Like this morning – a beautiful, snowy sunrise ride with no fast segments, just big smiles!

    Full Member

    Absolutely love this ❤️❤️👍

    Full Member

    I entirely agree with everyone – as a bit of a Strava addict, sometimes I need a reminder that just getting out and enjoying it is what it’s all about! Like this morning – a beautiful, snowy sunrise ride with no fast segments, just big smiles!

    I guess it depends what you use Strava for. I use it to see what mates have been up to, where they have ridden, what the conditions are like and I thoroughly enjoy the photos. I feel like a little part of me joined them for the adventure 🙂
    I also use it to track my adventures and I use it to look back to a few years ago to see what I was up to.

    I don’t look at the segments, speed or HR data as it doesn’t interest me one bit. Perhaps I’m on the wrong platform and I should use Instagram rather than Strava?

    Full Member

    8. Punched an owl.

    Free Member

    as a bit of a Strava addict, sometimes I need a reminder that just getting out and enjoying it is what it’s all about

    I’ve never understood why people see recording rides on Strava and having a fun ride as mutually exclusive. If you are doing nothing but looking at the stats then maybe, but that probably means you’re training for next year’s racing, which is your own sort of fun.

    I put Strava on, enjoy the ride, and put it off again at the end. Handy for seeing where I’ve been……which is often quite different from where I should have been!!

    Full Member

    @ocrider that’s a wild looking thing! I think they’re pretty rare, aren’t they? I found a load of slime moulds. Well weird.

    Free Member

    8. Punched an owl.

    Needs more detail.

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why people see recording rides on Strava and having a fun ride as mutually exclusive.

    Different psyche?

    Full Member

    A great thread/feature, I love reading this sort of stuff……something positive and cheerful !!

    Well done STW! 🙂

    Full Member

    I watched an owl hunting in daylight today. Didn’t punch it:

    Full Member

    Could we have the locations for 3 and 10 please?

    Full Member

    3.1 Aviemore (four peaks ride, can’t remember the peaks… third was Creagan Gorm and that photo was before it)

    3.2 Llangollen heading toward Worlds End/Horseshoe Pass

    10.1 Pennine Bridleway – Walsden

    10.2 Pennine Bridleway – Hebden Bridge?

    10.3 Windy Hill, Saddleworth

    I really love riding around north Wales, that photo in Llangollen was one of the best, most scenic days I’ve ever had on a bike!

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