project evolve

Project Evolve At Revolution Bike Park

by 3

Project Evolve was one of those ‘ooh, I wish I could go to that… oh, my diary is a mess’ events that I couldn’t get along to. Watching the Instagram footage from the event I was torn between ‘Well, I’d have been out of my depth there’ and ‘I could have learnt so much!’. It’s great to see the UK Women’s Freeride scene growing.

UK women's freeride revolution bike park project evolve

When 150 women and girls of all ages and abilities take over Revolution Bike Park, you know you’re in for a good day! 

This event was fundamentally about evolving the UK women’s MTB, DH and Freeride Scene in a safe, friendly and non judgmental environment.

We wanted a non competitive event, which was all about good vibes, shredding and meeting new people that share the same love of two wheels to get more women into the scene and progress the sport!

What an event it turned out to be. The HYPE, SMILES and SHREDDING were off the scale! 

Huge thanks to Revolution Bike Park, our sponsors and everyone involved in the day!

Watch this space to see what Project EVOLVE events are in the pipeline! 

Becci Skelton
UK women's freeride revolution bike park project evolve
UK women's freeride revolution bike park project evolve

Event Organizers: Becci Skelton, Vero Sandler and Sian Dillon.
Videographer: Joe Simpkins.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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Home Forums Project Evolve At Revolution Bike Park

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  • Project Evolve At Revolution Bike Park
  • fahzure
    Full Member

    Great vid. Looks super fun.

    Full Member

    That looks like a super event! I wish I could find something like that for my daughters to attend!

    Full Member

    Looks rad.
    Vero and her contemporaries have been so good for pushing things forward

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