The Fellowship Of The Party Rings

Video: Pelvic Sorcery From Joe Barnes And Co.

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Herein you’ll get to see Joe Barnes, Liam Moynihan, and Ferg Lamb taking in the sights of Aviemore and Harris, doing the aforementioned pelvic sorcery on switchbacks and making their back wheels look quite frankly vestigial. As well as that there are plenty of hijinks that stay on the endearing side of laddish.

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The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
Joe fact: In this outfit and that moustache, he looks exactly like the milkman who lived next door to my parents around 1986.
The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
Coming soon to a crowdfunding site near you!
The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
It’s just a smidge of exposure. At high speed with the back wheel going sideways.
The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
Hmm… Scotland, Lord of The Rings references… there’s bin a Mordor? (sorry, sorry, I’m trying to delete it)
The Fellowship Of The Party Rings
That’s 100% ethical inorganic roost.

David started mountain biking in the 90’s, by which he means “Ineptly jumping a Saracen Kili Racer off anything available in a nearby industrial estate”. After growing up and living in some extremely flat places, David moved to Yorkshire specifically for the mountain biking. This felt like a horrible mistake at first, because the hills are so steep, but you get used to them pretty quickly. Previously, David trifled with road and BMX, but mountain bikes always won. He’s most at peace battering down a rough trail, quietly fixing everything that does to a bike, or trying to figure out if that one click of compression damping has made things marginally better or worse. The inept jumping continues to this day.

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