Speed Date: Nuun Energy tablets

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Fizzy lifting drink


Reviewing energy drinks is difficult.

Everyone has different expectations, tastebuds, and price sensitivities.  What works for one may not work for another.  With that said, Nuun’s new Energy tablets work well enough to stand out in a crowded market.

A twelve-calorie product, Nuun Energy provides the usual electrolytes as well as a small amount of caffeine and B-vitamins said to improve the body’s ability to metabolise carbohydrates.  Too good to be true?  Sounds like it, but hey- it seems to work.

While on their own the little tablets aren’t nearly enough to fuel longer rides, Nuun Energy has proved itself on those days when mountain biking to the office.  Or rather from the office.  The ride takes about an hour each way and, this time of year, the return can be quite hot.  While more food is rarely needed at the end of a day in front of the computer, low post-work energy levels can make the ride a struggle.  It’s here that Nuun Energy does really seem to help.

With roughly 1/2 the caffeine of a cup of coffee, the resulting buzz isn’t enough to make for a rough night’s sleep.  The tube of tablets is compact and clean enough to keep in a pack or desk drawer without inviting an ant fiesta.  Given a few minutes to mix and de-fizz, the lemon-lime flavour is nice and light wild berry is pleasantly fruity without being overwhelming.

Ultimately, rides home with Nuun Energy are noticeably more pleasant than those without, and that’s enough to recommend them.

Nuun Energy comes ten tablets to a £6/$6 tube- 60p/$0.60 per serving.

Review Info

Brand: Nuun
Product: Energy
From: Nuun
Price: £6/$6
Tested: by Marc B for Four Months