To make it even easier we’ve removed all the used vouchers.
We are lifting the lid on our Premier subscriptions for 1000 of you. Below you will find 1000 digital subscription vouchers that will give you access behind our Premier Paywall for an entire week. All you have to do is be a registered user (It’s totally free to register), and then grab one of these voucher codes below and enter it in our voucher redemption page here.
But, (and here’s the fun bit) each voucher can only be used once, so if your code has already been used before you try it you will need to have another go. These codes are all valid for the next 7 days and then they all expire.
If you are lucky enough to find yourself a working code then you will get access to all our Premier content, including full access to over 13 years of magazines in our mag archive, eBooks, Premier only stories and all our online reviews. You will also get automatic discounts on stuff bought in our online shop and you will be able to enter this week’s Tuesday Treats competition.
If you don’t find a working code then there’s another way through the Premier portal. make friends with an existing Premier user and ask them really nicely to gift you a free code. All Premier users can send a voucher code to a friend via their account settings page.
1000 codes is a long list so we’ve split the list into pages. There are 100 codes on each page. Good luck! 🙂
4350 6739 8041 5382 6951
2932 5370 6961 1575 7126
7977 8237 9121 9703 4961
8375 1558 9811 2881 4082
9276 4009 0080 6235 1439
5773 1690 3126 7739 5025
8393 0885 8879 2983 1437
2780 9012 5531 8081 5189
2204 9273 2809 0683 8799
9150 6006 5434 9325 1697
6868 1139 9394 3587 0996
7983 6343 9507 2173 8440
9468 7921 9718 9148 1128
1584 5751 8025 9665 6788
8478 1073 2160 7116 9701
3060 3860 9515 0230 3874
0517 2695 1124 4974 5397
0751 5085 2332 6324 9162
1526 9377 8155 7465 7313
4390 0158 9954 7330 3557
3813 1150 2121 3090 0633
7110 1692 9720 8384 3653
9609 9705 9130 5192 7652
8769 1349 2905 2332 7794
6443 0699 7846 2778 0157
9663 9399 5659 6175 3725
2285 1752 3897 0276 5043
8376 3851 3477 9222 3737
0594 8978 3778 1081 0033
2033 9481 4713 9605 1970
4210 4145 2520 1999 2872
7586 8864 5622 3659 4375
6003 3614 1955 9659 9522
2068 1237 7213 1928 8594
9784 6586 2639 0294 8570
4433 6707 8043 8585 4611
6894 2181 3307 7990 3049
8644 1212 2860 6831 5526
9785 7400 3876 9593 8443
7575 6312 5065 9714 7176
8785 1778 4597 3719 3688
1493 8706 0880 2440 8934
0966 8353 1710 9648 8080
9890 0878 9152 0869 8705
7335 7506 2060 5594 3317
4060 5199 7850 5501 8870
2064 7072 1555 5495 9896
6399 8957 7484 2531 2771
6422 5111 6557 7018 5131
7661 1765 8290 9924 9374
8292 2031 7163 0921 5475
5761 1833 9137 6519 6013
9519 5861 3633 0276 3825
2048 8999 9726 3633 1900
0751 8825 8723 0238 3481
6433 9280 4073 6356 4757
4449 5643 3610 7980 6261
8658 3470 5703 6665 4449
1001 0892 3427 8468 8522
7236 8218 5482 4365 2715
9303 2551 7341 8386 1456
0010 6860 5277 5091 1742
8267 8310 0162 5264 3748
1611 0999 6055 4619 6523
4255 1090 6914 2034 9165
7031 4382 5997 5314 9809
2222 0763 1245 2237 0346
5431 4969 6249 1284 6095
0340 6956 9249 9003 3311
9745 2482 2599 6228 8609
1863 3484 6869 2467 2959
6488 4519 4567 1242 4828
8156 4108 7838 5307 1672
4274 7006 4334 5465 2387
2232 6685 1418 1620 4074
2004 1903 6660 7555 6102
4872 3830 2160 2284 4998
6144 1327 7490 0633 0285
6509 2534 7933 7250 5665
6377 9777 5278 1830 1831
9090 1331 6824 5975 6956
2261 0317 6968 1951 2265
4284 8274 2848 7991 1521
9437 6280 5888 0098 1004
3592 5164 7079 7700 0241
3786 7642 5251 6125 3056
0009 5032 3027 4036 0360
2138 2542 6751 8617 8785
8469 8729 2466 7296 4165
3697 6718 7120 5942 4593
1877 0258 1373 5329 5716
0495 0263 9802 1380 9359
5073 9414 3841 3860 1525
2951 0128 5455 6484 4999
0692 1854 8109 6243 2143
6438 8699 4642 5774 3650
7453 7849 6745 6733 7255
7182 2859 3916 7394 6108
8852 5102 0717 0017 3366
0331 5963 4903 4469 4887
Comments (5)
Comments Closed
Here’s an original idea instead of these free promotions, just reduce the subscription price. Stop taking the regular subscribers for granted and reward them for their loyalty to the magazine or risk losing them!
To be honest of late I’ve found the magazine has moved from exciting singletrack to boring fireroad
Hi Hodge,
Sorry you don’t like us anymore. If you are genuinely no longer happy with your sub and everything it offers over and above the magazine via our Premier system then please email me directly or call Sarah on 01706 813344 and we will refund you the remainder of your subscription.
I’m into my 3rd year of subscription and I think it’s brilliant. I also know what it costs to produce such a beautiful magazine. Please don’t get drawn into reducing the price, it’s worth every penny!
Hi Mark,
Spoke to a member of staff today who was really good at dealing with the situation, great customer skills. Really tried to re-engage with me, didn’t quite catch his name but from Suffolk I believe. A lot to be learnt there Mark, I shall now reflect upon this over the weekend and inform Sarah of my decision on Monday. I might have to let you go Mark!