Midweek Mini Movies 114

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Nukeproof Mega: All Mountain Adventures

Al Bond, Nigel Page and Martin from Hotlines go on a all-mountain adventure with the guys from Trail Addiction. Massive terrain, mad skills and loads of fun….

Red Bull Weavers

What do you get when you mix corn, a stimulating drink and a mini-dual slalom track? Red Bull Weavers, that’s what.

United BMX: Geoff Slattery

The opening scene of this edit from United BMX contains possibly the single most jaw droppingly mental bit of riding we’ve seen for the while. Combine that with the fact that Geoff Slattery hit it twice and it’s a bit disturbing.

Hardtails in Whistler…

As the last two days of summer we just had in Calderdale draw to a drizzly and grey close, it’s time to start thinking about dusting off the winter hardtail thrasher and getting loose in the slop. Here’s some hardtail inspiration from the gentlemen of Chromag in Whistler…

Aaron Gwin unbraked at the Worlds

We just had a rather nice chat with DH World Cup winner (with a race to go) Aaron Gwin. We’ll have a full interview up soon, but in the meantime, here’s a little video of what happens when your brakes fail at full chat. We don’t think a normal rider would have got away this lightly…

Scottish Fatbiking

We’ve been sent this video with a spot of fatbiking at the northern extreme of Scotland, riding the unspoilt sandy beaches around Scourie, Durness, Sandwood Bay and Faraid Head in Sutherland. It makes the twelve hour drive seem almost appealing…


Joe Bowman gets flattened at Mountain of Hell

In between shooting for ThisIsPeaty and being a generally sticky-soled globe trotter, Joe Bowman managed to find time to enter the Mountain Of Hell this year. In this video, find out what happens when 15st of bricklayer hits him. We think he’s walking again now…

Not Killian Martin

Jon is sorry for the Killian Martin rubbish (and not checking with Matt first) and is making up with for it with East Coast Street from 92 and the power house that is Ricky Oyola! (we’re recommending music off and some 90s hip-hop like Gangstarr for full effect.)


Joe Barnes: Never Growing Up

We’ve never really associated gnar-shredder Joe Barnes and imaginary flying boy Peter Pan before, but it’s starting to make sense. Both are Scottish, both do a good line in sweet air and – as this edit from the MTBCut boys demonstrates, neither has any wish to grow up.


Pike’s Peak Roadclimb crash

Int rollcages brilliant? Here’s a quick demo of how to reduce your racing car to just the rollcage in a few long seconds…


Singletrack Weekly Word

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