Steel City DH kicks off tomorrow

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While a large proportion of the bike industry and racers in general are over in sunny Monterey, California for the Sea Otter, there’s something equally important* going off in a (soggy) bit of woodland near Sheffield.

Tomorrow, Saturday 21st April, sees Steve Peat’s Steel City Downhill kick off in Greno Woods on a brand new piece of track made especially for the occasion. Although entries are sold out, last year proved the course and venue to be as popular with spectators as with riders, with a fantastic atmosphere in the natural amphitheatre that forms the finish area.

There’s a huge list of prizes for riders and ThisISheffield will be holding a pair of raffles open to everyone in aid of the Greno Woods Appeal. In the Frame Raffle, a Santa Cruz Nickel and Cotic BFe frame are on offer with entries costing £5 and limited to 250. There will also be a separate raffle costing just £1 and with prizes from Cotic, Polaris, Electron Lights, Trail Addiction JE James and Singletrack up for grabs.

Just like last year there will be a load of different exhibitors to keep you occupied and fed inbetween races and should that prove insufficient then Bradfield Brewery will have beer on tap. The organisers want people to bring along ‘noise makers’, so dust off the cow bells and polish your vuvuzela. On second thoughts, leave the football trumpet at home.

If you’re racing don’t forget to bring £5 as a deposit for the numberplate and please don’t park in the Forestry carpark – it’ll put the future of the event in jeopardy. Farmer John has offered use of his (weatherproof) yard and field and parking will cost £2 and is located here.

The timetable is as follows:

8:30 – Registration opens
9:00 – Course open for Practice
10:00 – Registration Closes
11:45 – Course Closed for Practice
12:00 – First runs
4:00 – -Finish
4:30 – Prize Giving and Raffle
Benji, Matt and Jon will be heading down to slug it out (and hopefully roll in mud and glory once again), so say hi if you’re about…