Peaty’s Steel City Downhill returns…

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We’ve just had word from the reprobates at ThisISheffield and the slightly more respectable Ride Sheffield that IT’S ON! Yup, it was the best small race in a wood near Sheffield and probably had the greatest number of world class pro riders to ever turn up for a non-ranking event. Last year’s Steel City Mini Downhill was a muddy trench-load of fun and made us competitive enough that it still causes bitter recriminations in the Singletrack office.

That’s why we’re quite pleased that there’s going to be a rerun of it again this year – on the 21st April to be exact. Once again it’s being held in support of the Greno Woods Appeal and Sheffield’s fastest ex-plumber Steve Peat has lent his name and support to the race.

With the help of the Wildlife Trust for Sheffield and Rotherham and BikeTracks, an all-new, permanent and purpose built track will be used for the race and they reckon it’s going to be much more weather proof than last year. Anyone from the age of ten upwards can race and the track aims to be fast and flowing – perfect trail bike territory.

The new downhill is actually the first part in a planned development of a permanent loop in Greno Woods. If you’re in the area and would like to lend a hand then there’s a dig day on the 24th March – Ride Sheffield has more info here.

Entries will go live at 6pm on the 13th March via the British Cycling Website and you can keep up to date on the race by following the Steel City Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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