Maddie has some news of some New Year’s chilly but thrilling riding to be had on the 9th January at Newnham Park, Plymouth. Here’s the full lowdown…
“Following on from the icy trip to Mystery Moor in round one, Soggy Bottom Round 2 covers more traditional Soggy territory.
For the aficionados, the route will take in the sheer lactic horror of the Clif Climb, the Bomb-holes, Cottage Return and new singletrack through Elfordleigh Woods.
The route has been chosen to be pretty weather proof and with only one major climb it should result in some fast and frantic racing, only hampered by the competitors’ festive over indulging.
Expect to see plenty of Christmas present bling being displayed for the first time, and inevitably broken or ripped within five minutes of the gun.
The Battle of the Bottom Borders honours currently lie with Somerset after the juveniles duked it out at Round One. For Round Two, the counties have nominated their champion to take on the Trackstand Challenge. With the usual coveted cake for the winners, expect dirty tricks galore.
British Cycling will be there running a children’s Go Ride coaching session for ages 8 upwards starting at 0930, with the Go Ride race at 1200.
Prizes for podium finishers will be coming from our sponsors Accelerade and Plymouth’s Cogs Bikes.
Full race details and online entry at
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Looks like its going to live up to its name this round too – its hammering it down here right now!