As a student I was time rich, money poor, so would always be the “1” camp…
Now that’s flipped about, but I still frequently need to remind myself of priorities in life etc etc.
If it’s something I want to learn (i.e I recently installed our log burner as I found it interesting) or enjoy (just getting into gardening – though I pay a may to clear the garden, and of course fettling bikes) I’ll do it myself.
It’s cool to be able to do things, and I’ve always come from a practical family, so in a way i CAN do things (my brain works in a very visual way – i.e i can ‘3d render, expand, and rotate’ images and structures ‘in my mind’). However, when you look at the fact that if it’s a ‘boring’ job, or simply too professional (proper plumbing) then I pay someone..