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  • What is it with the Chinese and their children?
  • jam-bo
    Full Member

    2 billion people and one youtube clip defines an entire nation…

    Free Member

    My British colleague lives with his Nigerian wife in Lagos and they bring the kids over the UK once or twice a year. They say it’s amazing the lengths British people will go to, to avoid any physical contact with the kids. They assume it’s fear of being labelled a paedo that makes us like that.

    Free Member

    Is he tandomjeremy’s child. demonstrating how a junction without traffic lights is just as safe as one with traffic lights?

    Hello? Can anyone see me?

    Free Member

    also I feel I need to ad is two cars and two buses. not one car and one bus.

    Free Member

    What is it with the Chinese and their children?

    They’ve got an abundance…not gonna miss one or two, are they.

    Free Member

    Anyone who thinks they might be confused for a ‘peado” needs to take a look at themselves and maybe learn some human interaction skills and common sense. These are the same people that won’t do first aid in case they get sued. They serve no useful place in society and should be taken outside and shot in front of their families

    A bit harsh, for what it’s worth I agree with your initial sentiments, i.e. there is nothing wrong with looking after your fellow humans particularly those more vulnerable. Unfortunately most people get their knowledge (?) and ideas from the media and it’s them that have been spinning the peado-hyperbole out of all proportion. We need to educate people that physical contact is accetpable and that speaking to kids isn’t something to be scared of.

    The really, really, scarily unfortunate side of all this is that kids are far, far more likely to be abused by a family member/close friend than some random good samaritan. This is something that should receive far more publicity and support, not the stereotypcal “man in a dirty mac on the corner”.

    Free Member

    also I feel I need to ad is two cars and two buses. not one car and one bus.

    Nice work.

    Free Member

    i like kids, they’re like little people without all the pretences and bullshit that usually comes with growing up. oh how i miss the good old days when playing with children didnt make people jump to the conclusion you were gonna diddle em as well, good work daily mail et al.

    Free Member

    Hello? Can anyone see me?

    You don’t have kids, you don’t even have a girlfriend. she just hangs off your arm at social events. you don’t do that mucky stuff with her though; its not the christian way.

    Nice work.

    Well I should at least be doing something for my money.

    Free Member

    I think lack of confidence stops a lot of people trying to help.

    Free Member

    i like kids, they’re like little people without all the pretences and bullshit that usually comes with growing up. oh how i miss the good old days when playing with children didnt make people jump to the conclusion you were gonna diddle em as well…

    Agree with the first sentence, but not the second. I treat kids the same as I always have, if other people have an issue with that then that really is their problem. And I have an enhanced disclosure CRB checked job. Sometimes you have to fight, and fight hard and relentlessly for what is RIGHT.

    Free Member

    Tucker UK, I agree entirely.

    I don’t behave any differently, I like kids, and they are fun to talk to. Way funnier than most adults.

    I do it all the time and can’t remember the last time someone reacted badly to it.

    (if anyone ever does, it won’t change my behaviour, because I’m doing nothing wrong in the slightest)

    In my job I visit customers houses all the time, and often spend half the time chatting away with the kids while I’m working. Parents mostly find it useful as they can do other things while I entertain the ankle biters.

    Full Member

    I treat kids the same as I always have, if other people have an issue with that then that really is their problem.

    No its not, its society’s problem, but it’s just easier to apportion blame against individuals than realising we actually need to act together.

    Free Member

    You think the Chai Knees are bad… I’d it were Korea they’d be fighting over a dead paediatric corpse ready to dry it out and grind it into powder before putting the dust into capsules for its holistic cannibalistic properties, no shit.

    Free Member

    A bit harsh, for what it’s worth I agree with your initial sentiments, i.e. there is nothing wrong with looking after your fellow humans particularly those more vulnerable. Unfortunately most people get their knowledge (?) and ideas from the media and it’s them that have been spinning the peado-hyperbole out of all proportion. We need to educate people that physical contact is accetpable and that speaking to kids isn’t something to be scared of.

    Unfortunately there is a lot of stuff out there encouraging people’s paranoia. I have an enhanced CRB too – we did some child protection training recently and a lot of it is about how you can keep yourself safe from accusations etc and some of the recommendations are to my mind fairly ridiculous, eg you should never ever be alone on a room with a child – well we teach music workshops and sometimes do individual instrument lessons – are we meant to have a chaperone with us at all times?

    Full Member

    tuckeruk is spot on right, there is some serious propoganda in the media, i have a disclosure check for my job too (bus driver)
    i would stop and help a kid in distress, traffic can go and get stuffed in that situation imo.
    people are more important than free flowing traffic.
    ive never been worried about being called a paedo because im not one.
    HOWEVER, i understand why a completely innocent person may be wary of helping without their wife (or whoever) present.

    Free Member

    2 billion people and one youtube clip defines an entire nation…


    Just out of interest, who when passing through that junction with what 4 or so lanes in all directions, would have seen a small person on a motorbike crossing at the same time as other small people on motorbikes, identified it as a kid on a toy rather than a small person on a motorbike, been happy to stop in the entire road full of traffic and block the whole junction while running after the kid? Maybe a pedestrian might have helped but that assumes people look up from the ground while walking, I rarely do.

    When blown out of all proportion this looks horrific. In reality it’s nothing more than a kid got loose and some drivers managed to avoid him on a junction and 10 seconds later he was stopped by a policeman. Sounds pretty acceptable to me.

    Free Member

    Seems like it’s just some kid doing something stupid, rather than an entire nation not taking care of their children.

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