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  • The Next US President.
  • thisisnotaspoon
    Free Member

    Trump can’t win, he might get enough support from the bat-shit-right to be the republican candidate but he’ll never get anything from the center, which is where you need to be to win in a 2 party system (c.f. UKIP and the Greens, more idealistic than either of the main two, but all they do is split the left and right vote, tory’s* won’t vote green and lefties* are unlikely to vote UKIP.)

    *as distinct from the terminally stupid who’ll vote for whoever facebook/murdoch tells them too.

    What will happen though will be Trump tearing all his opponents apart in attack ads. This will result in one of two (or three) things, either he’ll get the nomination, or whoever does will have to either be squeeky clean and probably a shoe in for President, or will be so broke and vilified that they won’t be able to mount a successful campaign against Clinton who will probably get the nomination with little more than token opposition.

    Free Member

    thought this was amusingly ranty, if not the most considered analysis


    Free Member


    Trump is the GOP’s version of Farage

    Because all the abuse, opprobrium and doom mongering is aimed at him, then when he drops out of the race/is beaten, then it leaves the resultant actual candidate more attractive to the middle ground voter who wouldn’t have considered them before. Essentially ‘phew, they’ve cast aside the nutter, I can vote for them now’

    Makes you think…

    Free Member

    Quite plausible. I mean, compared to Trump, any swivel-eyed loon seems reasonable

    Free Member

    Quite plausible. I mean, compared to Trump, any swivel-eyed loon seems reasonable

    Right up to the point where Carson started making him look like the sane one.

    Free Member

    The non thinking man’s Putin.

    Yet, strangely, still preferable to Hilary

    I assume that you’re ‘trolling’, but in case you’re actually not, care to amuse us with why you think this?

    Or at least pretend. 🙂

    Free Member

    Well, even if you discard her many previous lies – the calculated steps to cover up the Benghazi incident should rule her out of politics for life.

    Free Member

    ………………………………lies………………………………………. should rule her out of politics for life.

    You’re new to this whole politics thing aren’t you?

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member

    it leaves the resultant actual candidate more attractive to the middle ground voter who wouldn’t have considered them before.

    Who is the sane candidate here, though? Rubio? Carson’s good fun, the whole “The press is lying to you, I promise you I did once try to murder a child. Trust me.” thing was ace. The others seem to be way back.

    Free Member

    Well, even if you discard her many previous lies – the calculated steps to cover up the Benghazi incident should rule her out of politics for life.

    Wow, you’re serious!

    So, you’d really prefer a megalomaniac xenophobic nutter who’d happily bring about the total destruction of the planet, to Hilary Clinton?

    Of course, Donald Trump has never lied. Oh no. 😆

    Free Member

    Donald Trump’s hair is the biggest lie ever told.

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