Cotic Flare Max. First ride by Alex Leigh[/url], on Flickr
Cotic Flare Max. First ride by Alex Leigh[/url], on Flickr
Cotic Flare Max. First ride by Alex Leigh[/url], on Flickr
Finished at 10:30 last night. Rushing a bit today to get a ride in so tyres pumped to ‘about right’ and suspension set with everything off and rebound in the middle. Rode some local trails that have many tyre prints from my Aeris and Stache (both in 27.5 and 29+ mode) so useful for comparison
Hard to come to any definite conclusions after a short ride in good conditions, but I can say
– the bike rode like the demo. Sounds obvious but I loved the rocket demo but never loved my rocket
– It rolls better than the Stache which I guess makes sense but does seem to carry lots of speed
– It’s stiff. Noticeably stiff but very, very comfy. Even with conservative PSI in the tyres, could go down quite a bit to 16/14 prob. Something like 18/18 at the moment.
– The X-Fusion fork feels like a pike. Once it’d had a bit of use, I wound on a little low and high speed compression damping and went and played on my favourite tabletop. Really plush, controlled damping, stiff, feels very good.
– The x-fusion shock needs some tweaking. Started with too little air then too much. A bit clattery on the rear end. The climb setting is a good platform (2 out of 4), the trail setting (3 out of 4) noticeably plushes the back end up, the 4 of 4 fully open setting is a hoot but probably too soggy really.
– It corners like a madman. This is a bike that wants to party. Even with this sack of spuds on board. It’s kind of stache grip and aeris poise. It just wants to go. It’d be brilliant without brakes 😉
I’ll spend some time tomorrow setting proper sag and reading the fork/shock manuals but from a 90 minute blast – and knowing I’ve got my new bike googles on – it feels really special.
TLDR – fab. Buy one 🙂