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  • (Sweet) Baking book PSA
  • z1ppy
    Full Member

    Maybe not to everyone’s cup a tea or what their waist wants to see in January but Roger Pizey’s Worlds Best Cakes was recommend on by Trevron73 on this thread and I’d had it in my shopping basket ever since as it was £28 odd.

    Buying stuff with vouchers after christmas I noticed it had dropped in price, to £4! Ok, amazon’s free delivery offer turned out to be a lie (for me) but even with the extra £2.50 off postage, it’s a bargain.
    I’ve not used any recipies yet but flicking through the first 100 pages (of 300) had me drooling, and it contains more different cakes than I’ve ever seen. One of the reasons I didn’t rush to buy it (other than price) was most recipe books are recycling the same recipies, nothing “different” or if there is, it’s one recipe in a book. Or there some very fancy recipes ala Bake off challenges that only a trained pâtissier could pull off well (who the **** does anything like that at home?). Now I’m not saying I’ll be baking a “Kasutera” anytime soon but there plenty I will be trying, already told the g/f that we won’t be loosing any weight this year.

    oh and I know it says “out of stock” but I ordered it out of stock, trying my luck, and they posted it to me 2 days later

    I’ve now added Advanced Bread and Pastry by Michel Saus, martinh final recommendation from that same thread, in the hope that it’ll come down from £40 at some point.

    PS: if Yunki reads this, is Mrsyunki ready to give up her pecan and toffee cake recipe yet? I live in hope

    Free Member

    I found a book I wanted listed very cheaply on amazon last year listed as a warehouse 2nd. When it arrived the “damage” was the autograph!

    Full Member

    Cheers for the PSA… I’m still working through Nigella’s “How To Be A Domestic Goddess”, great book and none of the recipes have failed yet. So that’s my recommendation for a baking recipe book 🙂

    Free Member

    looks good.

    If anyone is looking for a bread book, James Morton’s Brilliant read is an outstanding book, highly recommended.

    Full Member

    Cheers, ordered. the great thing with an amazon prime trial is the free postage on stuff for under a tenner 🙂

    Free Member

    Well I’ve ordered it too. Looks good. My usual cake book is Short and Sweet – Dan Lepard, not a very technical or all encompassing book but it has some really nice and slightly offbeat recipes in it.

    Advanced Bread And Pastry is a pretty technical book. Are you baking professionally?

    Full Member

    Glad some of you liked my PSA, happy to help

    Lemonysam, nope most definitely not, but I like to mess, TBF my partners the better (bread) baker. I’ll take a look at the Dan Lepard book cheers.

    Mogrim have to say all the Nigella books all very good, I’ve always taken this to be down to her being a cook not a chef. Have to recommend all of Hughes Fearnley Whittingstall’s books too, he may be a chef, but his books/recipies are easy to follow and is good hearty food

    Free Member

    Lemonysam, nope most definitely not, but I like to mess

    On the bread front you might find you get more out of some of the more domestically minded books like Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast, Tartine Bread or The Handmade Loaf than ABAP which is proper geek fodder. Hamelman – Bread is somewhere between the two extremes.

    ABAP also doesn’t have metric recipes for individual loaves so you need to work from percentages or in imperial.

    Full Member

    Have to recommend all of Hughes Fearnley Whittingstall’s books too, he may be a chef, but his books/recipies are easy to follow and is good hearty food

    I like his books too, seem easy to use and the recipes work. I’ve got Veg Every Day and River Cottage Every Day.

    Full Member

    Ta for the PSA, have ordered it and now the rest of the my team are expecting cakes every day!!

    I really should avoid looking at stuff like this in the office…..

    Full Member

    😀 Pinkster

    Fair enough Lemonysam, sounds like it maybe well beyond my level, I should maybe start by reading the Andrew Whitley books we already have (g/f really rated it).

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