Cameras revenue was used to fund “Saftey camera partnerships”
Now that revenue goes into the government pot.
Speed awareness courses used to be for upto 4mph over the limit.
Saftey camera partnerships are now allowed to use revenue from speed awareness courses to fund the cameras
Now the cost of the course has risen, and they have increased the upper limit in order to make more people eligible for the speed awareness courses than were at the lower limit.
This is sold as “Take the course rather than the points”
It is not explained that the course directly funds the cameras.
“Saftey cameras”, are by their own figures not improving saftey……
In Essex a few years ago, the figures were trumpeted as a success for the cameras as accidents were down by a small percentage.
What those figures also showed (But the police publicity really didnt want made public), was that yes, you were less likely to be involved in an accident……. but if you were involved then that accident was more likely to kill you…..
Its not the speed cameras I have an issue with, it is the misleading propaganda and statistics used to justify their introduction and continued use.
If they really were about saftey they would be placed more appropriately.
There is a lot more to it than is apparent on the surface…..
Speed does not kill
Bad driving kills (which can include innapropriate speed for the road or conditions)
And a camera or speed awareness course will do nothing to stop the likes of the woman I saw on the way to work this morning, who was reading her Kindle propped up on the steering wheel on a Major A Road dual carriageway 🙄 😯