So the ORR have published a report detailing the costs and funding of the railways in 2010-11, and the Scottish operating region received the highest funding of 15.6p / km with the lowest average passenger densities of 84 passengers per train and Wessex getting 1.7p / km at 143 average passengers per train.
Yet more subsidies for Scotland… Come on TJ explain your way out of this
Post a link to the report and I’ll do my best to explain how railway infrastructure/rolling stock funding in the UK works.
In the UK, I act for DfT, TfL, TS, numerous ITAs/PTEs, a handful of train operating companies, ROSCOs and infrastructure/RS funders. I sit on the other side of Network Rail on a daily basis and spent 3 years making representations on behalf of numerous entities to the ORR in respect of third party investment in the UK rail network.
So I should be able to answer your question, but I’m hungover from a Burns Supper last night, so finding the will power might be difficult. 🙂
This diagram is a very simplistic view of the funding flow going into CP4, I can explain each individial aspect if you like, it’s not very interesting though 🙂