I’ve got a Tokaido The Ultimate Gi and I really liked it (I use the past tense as I don’t practice any more). The cut was superb and the material had a good feel to it. Although this Tokaido one definitely had to be ironed and it wasn’t the coolest (temperature-wise) Gi I ever used. So doesn’t really meet your requirements OP…
However I did used to have a Blitz White Diamond Gi which I’m sure was a 16oz Gi, but looking on their website perhaps it was 14oz. Now you’d think with it being so thick it would be hot, but because it was so rigid the air flowed around inside nicely keeping you cool and it would never stick to you like some thinner ones do when you get sweaty. The cut was a bit rubbish compared to the likes of the Tokaido one, but then that all depends on what you like and what you’re used to. Also of all the Gi’s I ever owned this one always dried the least crumpled as long as it was hung up nicely to dry.