Home Forums Chat Forum Evil. Actual, real evil. Walking about in daylight.

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  • Evil. Actual, real evil. Walking about in daylight.
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member


    “They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom,” he said. “They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch.”

    Free Member

    I saw this on the BBC web site. It is making me feel physically sick to think about it.

    Full Member

    cannot think of anything to say after reading that news report 🙁

    Free Member

    How anyone can have religious faith after something like this is beyond my comprehension. I feel sick after reading that.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Before stupid/political comments start rolling in, that’s the worst thing I’ve seen in a long time 🙁

    Full Member

    Desperately sad.

    Free Member

    Not really winning the hearts and minds with this course of action…

    Mind boggling how people can do this, but they have, and still do, sadly.

    Free Member

    Absolute evil. it saddens me deeply that fellow human beings could carry out such atrocities.
    Actually, thinking about it, the purpitrators cannot be called human. **** savages.

    Full Member

    How anyone can have religious faith after something like this is beyond my comprehension. I feel sick after reading that.

    This has gone way beyond religion. It’s ideology.

    Free Member

    absolutely disgusted!!
    these lowlife scumbag cowards are not human…they dont even class as sub-human…they’re nothing but devils walking the earth carrying out their acts of despicable evil whilst hiding behind the context of religion….the only retribution for them is to catch them and brutally and slowly kill them.

    Free Member

    How anyone can have religious faith after something like this is beyond my comprehension.


    Free Member

    There is no stupid political or religious comment to make.

    Grown men are machine gunning children in their own school. It is pure insanity. 🙁

    Free Member

    Hard to see what they wish to achieve by this as its not likely to make the military less likely to fight them

    A desperately sad state of affairs when they will deliberately target children- is nothing out of bounds for these people?

    Full Member

    Evil bastards 🙁

    Full Member

    This has gone way beyond religion. It’s ideology.

    Its beyond ideology. And terrorism. Its fascism. Pure and simple.

    Free Member

    the only retribution for them is to catch them and brutally and slowly kill them.

    That has to be a troll, surely?

    Full Member

    Beyond words. And what do they think that killing the children of military personnel will produce in terms of a response?

    Free Member

    Thats tragically awful.
    How these loons can justify that sort of nonsense in the name of a god is beyond me.


    Free Member



    Free Member

    occasionally you meet somebody in life who believes something you dont and there is no convincing them, a different opinion is fine, but once that opinion becomes this its just atrocious.

    Free Member

    Only serves to show that it’s still the middle ages.

    Poor kids.

    Free Member

    s’not too different to the Christian missionaries in the Congo a couple of years back that burnt a family of ‘witches’ alive in front of the whole village..

    Whipping up a frenzy with everyone lending a hand to club the broken and despondent victims into submission and drive them back into the flames when they stumbled silently and bewildered out of the firepit..

    That was a harrowing scene that will haunt me forever

    The depths of human depravity know no bounds as far as I can see, we cannot hope to understand the workings of the minds of people that exist in such brutal and barbaric realities.. our life experiences must be so far apart that I’m not even sure if we can stand in judgement

    Free Member

    The last time I looked the Americans had killed about 2500 “terrorists” in Pakistan with their drones (mainly since Obama came to power, very few under Bush) with the agreement of the Pakistani government. Dig a bit deeper and you’ll find that many of those “terrorists” killed were civilians including children killed in attacks on villages in NW Pakistan. People in a large area live in terror of drone attacks and some have sworn revenge.

    Barbarism provoking more barbarism. This really doesn’t have a lot to do with religion but a lot to do with politics.

    Free Member

    The ability to do this sends a signal to the Pakistani military and the world as a whole.

    I just sincerely hope that when the Pakistani military conduct their next operations they do not extract revenge by targeting the innocents otherwise we will simply get a ‘legitimate’ chain reaction.

    Unfortunately the human race has a terrible propensity to force suffering and pain on their fellow humans.

    Rest in peace.

    Free Member

    I was coping quite well until I read the detail about burning the teacher in front of the children.

    Now I wish I hadn’t.

    The rest of the day is going to be a bit difficult.

    Free Member

    Whatever it has to do with, the indiscriminate taking of innocent lives -by whoever- cannot continue.
    What kind of world do we live in when this kind of thing happens?

    Full Member

    Its a timely reminder that the Taliban haven’t gone away. And that any pretence that they had is just wishful thinking. It exposes the obvious nonsense that the west in any way managed to make any lasting impact in that part of the world

    Sadly, I think that it won’t be the last we see of this kind of medieval barbarity. In fact, with ISIS and their beheadings, its as if its become a competition

    I find it as inexplicable as I find it depressing that this islamofascist ideology had gained such a following around the globe. How on earth do you arrive at such a completely ****ed up place that this kind of thing is any way justifiable?

    Free Member

    Nope, this IS different, it’s one the most inhuman acts reported in my lifetime and whilst any act can only be carried out by individuals how many extremists does it take before the ideology to be considered Evil?

    Free Member

    I find it interesting that a Taliban spokesman is quoted as saying something like “they are attacking our families and our women”.

    Are women not part of the family?

    Safely we did not have to look too far back in our recent history where the supposed civilised nations deliberately targeted non-military populations in an attempt to make the other side capitulate. Arthur Harris…Little Boy….

    It will never end unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Now if you were the husband/father of a mother and her children killed by a rocket launched from a drone in NW Pakistan what would you do?

    The Americans and Pakistani government tell us when they kill alleged “terrorists” but fail to report on the thousands of civilians killed in the drone attacks. I watched a German documentary about the victims of drone attacks – their fate was no better than the burned teacher.

    Full Member

    it’s one the most inhuman acts reported in my lifetime

    No it isn’t although it is massively repugnant and goes against everything that we would call decent. I think that using medical technology to detect when someone is almost drowned so you can do it again and again is inhuman, whatever the motivation.

    Full Member

    Well I’ve been under the impression that this particular ideology is evil well before this event.

    Free Member

    Now if you were the husband/father of a mother and her children killed by a rocket launched from a drone in NW Pakistan what would you do?

    Well I tell you what I wouldn’t do….and thats burst into a school with my mates and slaughter a bunch of innocent kids.

    Full Member

    Anyone that can read what is clearly an act of politically power-inspired terrorism and make an immediate leap to “all religion is evil” lives in a very simple place.

    Its the kind of barbarism that occurred even in Europe in the last 20 years. No idea how you stop it, beyond hoping the next generation is educated and tolerant enough to not repeat it.

    Free Member

    echoes of Beslan 🙁

    was watching an Adam Curtis doc recently about the rise of the jihadists in north africa in the 60s/70s. He mentioned how the groups seemed to think that if/when they were brutal enough, people would see the error of their ways and join them in support. Eventually they started attacking civilians. Unsurprisingly it didn’t work, but that kind of logic is just beyond comprehension to me 😕

    Free Member

    Hundreds rather than thousands of civilians killed, more is speculation as no reliable figures exist.[/url]

    Free Member

    You adhere to values in the new testament rather than the old testament then, tpbiker. Turning the other cheek isn’t for everyone. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. Eye for an eye… It’s all in the good books of the main religions of all involved.

    Free Member

    absolutely disgusted!!
    these lowlife scumbag cowards are not human…they dont even class as sub-human…they’re nothing but devils walking the earth carrying out their acts of despicable evil whilst hiding behind the context of religion….the only retribution for them is to catch them and brutally and slowly kill them

    Said a Taliban spokesman after a drone strike / reading the CIA report. It’s all escalating tit for tat.

    The last thing this confict needs is more martyrs on either side.

    Free Member

    I hope this is the beginning of the end of the Talib.

    However, I think there are still worst to come.

    gonzy – Member
    …the only retribution for them is to catch them and brutally and slowly kill them.

    Ya, I like. Please spare some for the brazen bull?


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