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  • Ebola confirmed in Glasgow
  • poah
    Free Member
    Free Member

    No better place for them than Gartnavel then.

    Free Member

    There are worse things than that for weegies to worry about

    Full Member

    Sorry, are you guys being racist or is that nuanced humour?

    Free Member

    Not being either or those. Gartnavel has an exceptionally good infectious diseases unit – hence my comment.

    Free Member

    I predict somewhere between 65% and 70% zombification of the entire population of Scotland within 72 hours.

    Free Member

    I predict somewhere between 65% and 70% zombification of the entire population of Scotland within 72 hours.

    That would mean that Ebola would have had a great positive effect on the population.

    Full Member

    *starts donning drysuit and gas mask*

    Free Member

    That much of an improvement Jon. we can hope 🙂

    Free Member

    There are worse things than that for weegies to worry about

    If the patient wasn’t in isolation, she’d be surrounded by Weegies wanting to give the virus a square go.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a job for Smeaton, John Smeaton….

    Free Member

    MoreCashThanDash – Member
    Sorry, are you guys being racist or is that nuanced humour?

    Now I’ll admit that I find it difficult to keep up with current affairs sometimes, but I’m pretty sure that Weegie still doesn’t count as a race.

    Legend – fae the Weege

    Full Member

    I predict somewhere between 65% and 70% zombification of the entire population of Scotland within 72 hours.

    Oh God, that’s where I was going to run to in the event of a zombie invasion. Plan foiled.

    Free Member

    Sorry, are you guys being racist

    Well done, 1st with a race card, you win. And the prize is …….


    Free Member

    jon1973 – Member
    I predict somewhere between 65% and 70% zombification of the entire population of Scotland within 72 hours.

    that happened a couple of years ago! 😆

    Free Member

    What did happen to Smeato The Brave anyway?

    Free Member

    IIRC he moved to the states?

    Free Member

    Hope the poor woman that risked her life to bring some care and comfort to others pulls through.

    Sorry didn’t have any weegie jokes to hand.

    Full Member

    Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure!

    Free Member

    doh – Member
    Hope the poor woman that risked her life to bring some care and comfort to others pulls through.
    Sorry didn’t have any weegie jokes to hand.

    Risked her life and all those unfortunate souls on the plane and in the airport.
    Great work they’re doing but this is also how the States got their first case, we need to screen them better or improve their cleaning or equipment to prevent infection in the first place.

    Edit: it’s worse than I thought


    As of Dec. 29, 2014

    United States Arrival date
    Aid worker Aug. 2 Recovered
    Missionary Aug. 2 Recovered
    Doctor Sept. 5 Recovered
    Doctor Sept. 9 Recovered
    Visitor Sept. 30* Died
    NBC Cameraman Oct. 6 Recovered
    Nurse Oct. 11* Recovered
    Nurse Oct. 15* Recovered
    Doctor Oct. 23* Recovered
    Doctor Nov. 15 Died
    Priest Aug. 7 Died
    Missionary Sept. 22 Died
    Nurse Oct. 6* Recovered
    Nurse Aug. 24 Recovered
    Medical worker Dec. 29* In treatment
    France Arrival date
    Nurse Sept. 19 Recovered
    Medical worker About Nov. 2 In treatment
    Doctor Aug. 27 Recovered
    Physician Oct. 3 Recovered
    U.N. medical official Oct 9 Died
    Aid worker Oct. 6 Recovered
    Doctor Nov. 21 Recovered
    Doctor Nov. 25 In treatment
    Peacekeeper Dec. 6 Recovered

    Free Member

    so its now down to that period of time between becoming infectious and being placed securely in iso.

    working out roughly how long that was and how many people it includes…

    actually its just cross your fingers time, or pray, praying works, someone said.

    Full Member

    I predict somewhere between 65% and 70% zombification of the entire population of Scotland within 72 hours.

    45% already are zombies <runs>

    Free Member

    Full Member

    woman being tested in Aberdeen

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