Sooooo, I built up a homemade bamboo bike last year thread avaliable here. But as my garage is particularly damp I didn’t want it growing the fungus of death over winter so I stripped it down and put the frame in storage in the spare room behind a bunch if stuff. It was checked regularly over the winter and had no issues – radiator on low in that room and usually awinfow open to let the cat in/out.
However the wifes mother is staying at ours this weekend. So wife decided nows the time to ‘clear out the spare room’ takes every thing out and puts it in the hall – leans frame up against radiator and piles everything else against it about 24hrs ago. Unfortunately I didn’t notice until this morning……
Still – could be a sticker?
Just gives me an excuse to spend more cash on mk2 and give great bargaining with the wife for years over the HOURS of work put into it….. Probably only got to ride it 4 times etc etc…