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  • Corner shop , or multiple retailer corner shop
  • project
    Free Member

    So you need a pint of milk and some tea bags do you go to the small usually dirty over priced corner shop, staffed by greedy traders,who fail to spend a few quid on geting the place painted, or cleaned, who employ possibly just the family,or the local unemployed wortking cash in hand, or a multiple retailer, where youre guaranteed usually, a clean shop, a free cash machine,loyalty card, decent amounts of stock, and who employ lots of people thus reducing unemployment.

    Free Member

    I’m a capitalist pensioner. Where is cheaper?

    Free Member

    I get mine deliverd by a “milk man” along witg my coffee,sugar butter and bread, (dnt do tea) every day so i dnt need to interact with said shop keep, the wife does the “big shop” so im happy as a pig in the preverbial!!

    Free Member

    Anything but Tesco

    Free Member

    My corner shop went to the dogs during the proprietors martial break up. Some days there was no sweets or booze but there was always milk. It got to be a bit of a joke. And then a Tesco Metro opened 200 yards further and that was that for the corner shop. A Sainsburys Local has just opened up 50 yards along the same road as the Tesco.

    As for my choice, its a convenience store and as such needs to be the most convenient – so which ever is nearest.

    Full Member

    Tesco Express took over our corner shop a few years back – suddenly you could get twice as many products, at sensible prices, without having to leave the village.

    And the fact that more people were coming to use it meant that the vacant retail units around it were suddenly revamped and in use again.

    Whilst on a number of levels I can’t abide Tesco and what they stand for, I have to accept that their takeover of the corner shop was a great success for our community.

    Curse them!

    Free Member

    Also strangely localy Tesco small shops opening has made the local Spar and coops close, with no great loss, but a lot morere expensivethan tesco they where.

    Also multiple retailers are open longer, and dont shut for lunch.

    Full Member

    The nearest shop to me is asda, sooo…

    Full Member

    My nearest shop is a Sainsbury’s superstore and unsurprisingly it is quicker to walk than drive

    Free Member

    My local corner shop is a delight. Employs about five or six people (possibly related, never asked as it didn’t matter). Always very clean, including making the point of sweeping the pavement outside. Always has the essentials in stock, and not really that expensive considering. Doesn’t shut for lunch, and opens pretty good hours (Around 0700-1900). So, if I’ve forgotten to get something from Waitrose, I go there. Also use them to buy the paper/lottery tickets/the occasional something to snack on when working from home.

    Oh, and they know their cricket! A visit during a test match can take some time….

    Full Member

    Tesco extra is my corner shop 2min walk

    Free Member

    Tecos won’t sell you beer at 9.30 Christmas day morning when you forgot to stock up the day before.

    Full Member

    Project you forgot that the multiple will be paying below “living wage” levels and expecting the state to top-up the pay or “employing” those on Job Centre work experience.
    Both examples are as bad as each other for abusing state aid.

    Free Member

    Dancake – Christmas is the same date every year. Be prepared this year!

    Full Member

    Corner shop provides at least one real job (owner/shop keeper), that is a wage that will keep a family to a decent standard. No one can survive as the bread winner on the money Tesco pay.

    The owner of a corner shop is part of the community (see cricket chap above), Tesco just employ transient staff with no connection to the locality.

    Corner shop will do you favours, pay when I get some money tomorrow et c. The shop near my old house used to take in my parcels for me 🙂

    Yeah, they’re a little more expensive, and there isn’t the same range, but that’s not the end of the world.

    So, corner shop FTW


    Free Member

    Tesco are currently building an express store over the road from my local shop, about half a mile from a Tesco extra.

    I can’t see the local shop lasting long once it opens. Will Tesco be delivering my papers at the weekend? Thought not.

    Free Member

    Sandwich – Member
    Project you forgot that the multiple will be paying below “living wage” levels and expecting the state to top-up the pay or “employing” those on Job Centre work experience.
    Both examples are as bad as each other for abusing state aid.

    No one can survive as the bread winner on the money Tesco pay.

    Tesco and the major multiple retailers, will of course be paying the minimum wage, and offering a staff discount on everything in all their shops, also most major comapnies will avail themselves of all available state aid, because they can, thats how it works.

    Strange how the supermarkets are now a major employer in the uk, and creating more jobs every week.

    Free Member

    When we first moved in, we dubbed our local shop “The Inconvenience Store” as it’s opening times were a bit odd. However, we now use it for bread, milk, booze, snacks and sundries. That may be largely because it’s less than 60 seconds walk from our front door… However, they’re open early, they shut late and the happy chap who works there is into bikes & cycling. Winner!

    Free Member

    Tesco or nowt.

    Free Member

    funny, Tesco won’t do ‘tick’– local shop does, i like my local shop, you get interaction, never get that in a multi-corporate store-them like vampires– sucking life out of communities…

    Free Member

    I live in a place with no choice at all.

    Full Member

    Tesco local and the like will ‘consolidate’ to out of town stores once the local competition is dead

    I’d rather pay extra if it means a short stroll to the end of the road

    Free Member

    strange how the supermarkets are now a major employer in the uk, and creating more jobs every week.

    you work for their PR ?

    what crap– part time jobs at the expense of other jobs, subsidised as per above, soulless mc jobs– doubt you would like a ‘job’ there !

    Free Member

    Corner shop preferably but tbh, wherever is easier to get parked 😳

    Free Member

    National multiple everytime. Cheaper, better range, nicer shop, everything in stock.

    Having said that I guess it depends where you live, and what is available in the local area.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a corner shop, my nearest shop is a supermarket. But my last two houses did have a local cornershop, in both cases owned by Asians (that’s Indians or Pakistanis to our foreign readers, not people from the Orient!). Priced a little higher than the supermarkets, but I don’t get called ‘Sir’ in the supermarket, or asked how I am, and the supermarket won’t order stuff in for me on demand. The supermarket also expect me to queue for the privilege of buying their product.

    Full Member

    tesco actually pay just shy of two quid more than the minimum rate.. they pay more than john lewis and marks to thier checkout operators..

    staff discount is 10% up to 6 weeks paid holidays and share saving schemes and bonus schemes.. there a real pain to work for..

    on the other hand i ve witnessed working relaives rolling thier beds out on the shop floor at 11pm in family owned businesses

    Free Member

    My local corner shop was selling Coke 500ml bottles for 70p, on close inspection out of date by 2 months 😕

    I have a friend who is a professional, earns good money whose hatred of Tescos leads him to shoplift every time he visits 😀 he is a bit strange 😆

    Free Member

    Market. Venison sausages in the fridge. Guinea Fowl in my tum. Tesco can **** off 🙂

    Full Member

    Strangely, the staff in my local Tescos have all been there for a while – some were at the old shop it took over.

    And they all live in the village.

    And they all chat to you.

    And they’ll deliver papers.

    As I said before, there are lots of reasons to hate Tesco, but some of them/their staff are not necessarily the spawn of Satan

    Free Member

    whats a corner shop, one end of the road is tesco and the other is waitrose.

    Free Member

    Waitrose!!!!!????? I dnt even think blackpool has one or a acado, its rife with tescos round here, the corner shops are now all owned by one geezer through a franchise dubbed “smileys” which i dnt think they know how to do!!! But theyre trying hard to become tesco, mini cafes in the shops, deli counters hot food, dvds etc, i agree with some posters as my pal works at the tesco superstore and earns more than some of my tradesmen friends, ie allways know u have work, paid hols sick benefits. Discounted phone bills loans etc and first dibbs on the reduced goodies!!!!! Taste the differance scoff for less than 50p!!!!!

    Free Member

    My corner shop is a classic family run slightly grimy affair, over priced with a bizarre and random selection of products, and a small shelf of veg which is always past its best (i always assumed they were trying to sell the stuff the owners found in there own cupboards and thought ‘oh, don’t fancy that’). I have been going in at least 4/5 times a week with a cheery hello for nearly a decade, and receive not a flicker of recognition nor communication. I expect if i were to collapse and die in there they would barely be able to tell the police if they had seen me before. The wife though, makes the most fantastic samoses, which you buy loose from a bowl on the counter for 25p each. They are of such size that two makes for a fiery meal; two and a can of overpriced baked beans and you have my favourite Sunday lunch. In it’s own way i find my shop a very British experience of inner city life and one which is disappearing, and one which I will miss. But if i could be arsed to walk to Tesco my diet would be a he’ll of a lot better!

    Free Member

    We have a sainsbury’s about 200m down the road so normally go there. If they are shut we have these people


    I go there a reasonable amount as they have really good local produce – bread, milk, cheese, beer etc. and are open early till late most days.

    Free Member

    If the corner shop is indigenously owned then that – otherwise elsewhere.

    Full Member

    Just streetviewed my old uni flat and gutted to find both sub continent owned convenience sores have closed. 1 did the best samosas and always had cold Irn Bru in glass bottles. The other Mr Soods sold the cheapest booze from behind a grille. Occasionally had permanent marker pen over the duty free marks etc but was cheap.

    Locally Tesco supermarket opened and the co-op closed. Wasn’t that sad as the staff in the co-op were the slowest serving lot ever.

    Free Member

    I have a friend who is a professional, earns good money whose hatred of Tescos leads him to shoplift every time he visits he is a bit strange

    not at all- just principled !

    Free Member

    not at all- just principled !

    Hurray for victimless crimes!

    Free Member

    If the corner shop is indigenously owned then that – otherwise elsewhere.

    It was a bitch to find a Pictish corner shop round my way so I usually ended up going to patriotic multiple retailers like Asda and Aldi.

    Free Member

    The corner shop is sainsbury’s local. To get to the nearest “proper” corner shop I’d also have to walk past to coop and it would be much further away.

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