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  • cheap pro 2 parts needed
  • carlphillips
    Free Member

    my pro 2 inner freehub bearing disintegrated yesterday, damaging the axle freehub spacer & pawl springs and leaving the outer casing of the bearing stuck in the freehub body….hope are offering me rrp but thats still quite expensive, so can anyone point me in the direction of cheapo parts or does anyone have any pro 2 internals spare?

    failing that can anyone recommend me a hub that doesn’t blow up after 18months of light once a week xc use?

    Free Member

    The bearing race can be removed fairly esily – any engineering / decent car parts place should have a blind bearing puller of improvise your own –

    How is the axle and freehub spacer damaged beyond use? springs and pawls are cheap

    Full Member

    You should still be able to get the outer race of the bearing out, the bearing drifts all fit against the outer race to stop bearing damage on insertion. The pawl springs are cheap anyway. In what way is the spacer damaged?? This doesn’t do much so may be usable still. Got any pics? Is the axle damaged? If so stick a wanted in the classifieds, bet there are plenty of people who have converted to 10mm or 12mm bolt through and have spare QR axles in their tool boxes.

    Edit: just realised you’d need a blind bearing tool as TJ says for the inner bearing missing its inner race.

    Free Member

    Its possible to get the bearing innner race out without a blind puller sometimes.

    Heat the freehub in bloing wter and hit it down onto a hard surface – the shock / inertia might move the race – heating the hub up makes the fit much less tight. you can also sometimes get purchase on it with a screwdriver / drift

    Free Member

    the end of the freehub spacer is fubarred good an proper, its like a dog has chewed the end of it! it probably wont fit back on the axle if i tried!
    where the bearing exploded its worn the axle right down and chewed up where the spacer end was mangling itself around it….meaning I wont get another new bearing over the mangled bits!

    I have some bearing pullers but they wont grip on the edge that’s available.Ihave drifted out a bulb bearing in a simlar situation but this one is proper stuck!
    as for pics the bearing now is reduced to tiny bits of swarf, not even any balls fell out upon dissemblely !!!

    may try drifting it out tonight but tbh I’m fairly over it, its frustrating having a £6 bearing causing so much damage/cost…
    pawls/springs £14.99..! axle £14 new bearings £6 per pack (not that cheap!)
    not sure if i can source a spacer as hope guy said they come with the freehub body (£68) will do some surfing around tonight.

    axle request going up on wanted in a mo..

    Free Member

    Its possible to get the bearing innner race out without a blind puller sometimes.

    Heat the freehub in bloing wter and hit it down onto a hard surface – the shock / inertia might move the race – heating the hub up makes the fit much less tight. you can also sometimes get purchase on it with a screwdriver / drift

    The problem with heating both items is that both expand. This will not help free this interference fit appreciably, given the closeness of the linear expansion coefficient of steel and aluminium.. ?

    I just bought the hope tools.. my freehub has been fine in over 1000 miles and my 14 and a bit stone.. 15 or16 with rucksack etc..

    Free Member

    Van – aluminium expands more thus the interference fit becomes much less tight – this is a standard way of removing / fitting bearings. I have done it any times. It makes a significant difference.

    Free Member

    but what stops the aluminium from expanding at the ID as well as the OD? Just a thought?

    Free Member

    As it expands the inside diameter also gets bigger not smaller.

    Free Member

    bin the pro2, for me it’s a revelation being back on a silent hub! And absolutely hee haw difference!

    Free Member

    why would it expand in only one direction? And will boiling water really make much difference? 80 temp difference between ambient and boiling x not very much length times not very much at all coeff of expansion, then the difference… is it worth the hassle?

    Free Member

    Yes it does expand in all directions which is why the internal diameter gets bigger and yes its a completely worthwhile difference – its no hassle to boil a kettle and put the freehub in a bowl of boiling water for a minute or two.

    Every molecule get further from the one next to it including the ones around the internal diameter – so the total internal diameter gets larger.

    Free Member

    Ok.. but both parts are expanding! ?

    Free Member

    Try contacting hope tech support, their customer service is normally very good, they may fix it for a good price

    Free Member

    Tried hope, they just quoted me new rrp price to replace parts.
    Update…got the 2 small goosed bearings outer casing (didn’t realise it was 2) out of the free hub by drifting them out
    Pawl springs had rusted and 2 had snapped off..
    At least I have saved the free hub, and a few people from here have offered Replacements…

    Free Member

    Pawl springs are available separately(we change them as a routine service part),cost about £2 a set if I remember correctly,as is the spacer, though this is also included if you buy the whole freehub body. Part numbers are listed on Hope’s technical section of their website if you want to order them.
    Edit- part no.s HUB427 and HUB525

    Free Member

    For the pawl springs just phone Hope – they posted me a pack for nothing when mine 3 out of 4 of mine cracked after 6 months.

    Free Member

    cheers will ring them for springs, thanks to stw im sorted for the rest..

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