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  • Best mate just had both cars stolen.
  • renton
    Free Member

    Just had a phone call from my mate.

    He has got up this morning to find both of the cars stolen off his drive.

    It looks like the thieving scumbags have jammied his kitchen window and nicked the keys and his wallet while my mate and his family were all asleep upstairs.

    Cars where his BMW 335d m sport and his wife’s golf 2.0 tdi.

    He is absolutely gutted.

    Free Member

    Without being totally heartless, and ….

    It happens all the time , to loads of people. So how is this of interest to STW

    Free Member

    See the title up there about this being the chat forum. Which means you can post about pretty much anything.

    Free Member

    If that’s the case what does this have to do with STW.

    Free Member

    It happens all the time , to loads of people. So how is this of interest to STW

    So what? What’s your point caller?

    People build sheds all the time, install woodburners, make coffee, buy new razors, go on holiday, all of these and more seem to be of great interest to STW.

    Free Member

    It’s horrible… I had one of my type r’s knicked off my drive. The keys were in my jeans on the floor next to my bed, about a foot from my face.

    Then it was used in a spate of armed robberies and crashed into a wall during a police chase at 70 the perps got out and legged it. As told to me by the arresting officers.

    Free Member

    Its a reminder to people who own cars that are likely to be stolen this way to put keys etc out of sight or even in a safe.

    Full Member

    Sounds awful, not so much for the loss of the cars (assuming no insurance issues), but for the fact it was done by break in while they were asleep at home.

    Happened to my old boss – she awoke and came downstairs as they were legging it out of the front door. Her husband’s car had a tracker and was recovered, hers was never found.

    They ended up moving because of the feeling of invasion.

    Free Member

    His keys were hung up on a rack that you can’t see from any window.

    His children were asleep upstairs as well as my mate and his wife.

    Imagine if one of the kids had got up in the night.

    That knob up there ^^^^^ has really pissed me off now.

    Full Member

    Its a reminder to people who own cars that are likely to be stolen this way to put keys etc out of sight or even in a safe.

    I disagree, cover the basics, keep doors and downstairs windows locked etc, but IMO once they have decided to force entry, better to let them find your keys without confronting your family.

    Free Member

    Personally I wouldn’t go hiding the keys. If they’ve broken in to steal the cars, the chances are if they can’t find them they might decide to wake you up and scare the shit out of you and your family till you hand them over. Friend in Manchester had a sawn off waved in his direction for his m3 several years ago.

    It’s what you have insurance for

    Free Member

    I disagree, cover the basics, keep doors and downstairs windows locked etc, but IMO once they have decided to force entry, better to let them find your keys without confronting your family.

    Very wise, if they are prepared to break in then they may not be averse to a bit of violence.

    Free Member

    Its a reminder to people who own cars that are likely to be stolen this way to put keys etc out of sight or even in a safe.

    The other school of thought is that it’s better to leave them downstairs so they can find them easily and get out, rather than them coming upstairs and even lamping you until you hand them over. Not saying one is right and the other wrong, but they’re in there specifically for the cars – look at the OPs vehicles – once they’re in, maybe better that they’re out ASAP with your car than coming anywhere near your family?

    FFS – too slow x3

    Full Member

    I doubt I would be more than mildly annoyed if one of my cars got stolen. Inconvenienced for sure. It would probably have a more exciting life than I give it.

    Cars are just boxes for transporting bikes, shopping, and the wife IMO. They are easily replaced.

    Steal one of my bikes though and I’d get somewhat agitated. The Ned Disrupter would be dug out from its place of concealment.

    Full Member

    Horrible thing to happen. On the upside, the cars should be insured and he’s had a security issue brought to his attention without injury or loss of anything irreplaceable. It’s absolutely sickening to think that people have been in your house going through your stuff.

    how is this of interest to STW

    Why are you reading and replying to threads which are of no interest to you? Are you that stuck for something to do?

    Free Member

    Same thing happened to my brother in law except it was the police who woke them up at 5am (front door still open) to tell them they had caught the perps racing each other around Bradford. As with ourmaninthenorths boss they moved soon after as his wife never felt safe in the house afterwards.

    Free Member

    People build sheds all the time, install woodburners, make coffee, buy new razors, go on holiday, all of these and more seem to be of great interest to STW.

    Yeah – but normally it is “theirs” not their mates, grannies or someones friend from down the pubs friend

    I had my passport stolen once ….

    Free Member

    think im safe with my 6 year old astra on the drive dont attaract much (any) attention

    Full Member

    I think, our Skoda and Rover are safe!!

    Full Member

    Had this happen to a friend, the car insurance were more interested in knowing that the keys were secured safety inside the house, apparently just having them in a locked house wasn’t secure enough…
    He was not impressed, and again was more worried that they could have come up and threaten him and his family, in order to get the keys if they were secured/hidden.

    Free Member

    I think, our Skoda and Rover are safe!!

    You’d think so, but the in-law’s neighbours had their 5 or 6 year old Astra convertible nicked in the same way as the OP’s mate. It wasn’t anything special at all.

    Free Member

    I doubt I would be more than mildly annoyed if one of my cars got stolen. Inconvenienced for sure. It would probably have a more exciting life than I give it.


    Made my morning, that has. Thank you…

    Free Member

    Good call. Left an Astra parked in a not particularly nice bit of Manc for a week (near friend’s house) while on holiday, came back to find it still there, nothing missing, but door unlocked using the screwdriver method – clearly not even worth bothering nicking once they’d broken in.

    Free Member

    I was at the receiving end of this style of crime four years ago. We had a Subaru Impreza and a fairly high spec BMW 1 Series stolen of the driveway. Front door was forced and my wife’s handbag was taken which contained both keys. I heard the Subaru being started as it’s alarm starting beeping (it had a complicated alarm) which woke me up and I stupidly ran out to confront the guy trying to drive it away. Luckily he drove it away before I could properly try and stop him.

    At the time there was a spate of this style crime in the area. The cars where typically dumped somewhere in SW London for a few days to check they didn’t have a tracker before being used for a crime. The Subaru had a Tracker but we hadn’t paid to keep it live as it didn’t reduce the insurance price. Once it was stolen it could be turned on but the tracking company refused despite being asked by the police.

    The Subaru was eventually used for an armed robbery in London, it subsequently out ran the police and was then found dumped a few days later. The 1 series was never seen again, I would guess it is still being driven on cloned plates.

    It has taken us a few years to go back to having nice cars again. House security is improved, better locks and an alarm system. Keys aren’t specifically hidden or locked away, but are always out of view from the front door.

    Free Member

    I had my passport stolen once ….

    I’ve got a passport. What were the circumstances? Post up a thread and I might read it.

    Free Member

    Used to have a garage full of motocross bikes. Broke into garage, couldn’t get past chains so went through the house instead.
    Usual stuff stolen, but they took my cockatiel bird as well! Keys for the car were on the bottom of the stairs, was a nearly new fiesta xr2, that was found dumped a few days later with the keys still in it.
    We were in bed when it happened.

    Full Member

    If someone nicked this right now they’d save me a job.


    Free Member

    Left an Astra parked in a not particularly nice bit of Manc for a week (near friend’s house) while on holiday, came back to find it still there

    Guy I know left a works van over the weekend behind a pub. Company had a sign tacked to window say “Nothing of value is left in this vehicle overnight”
    Came back to find a window smashed and a note saying “Just checking”

    Full Member

    Interesting reading this, partly because an unrivalled level of Nobbish behaviour from one of us!

    Just my tuppence worth:

    I had a new (at the time) golf Gti stolen from my drive, they smashed a kitchen window and took the keys – I remember feeling incredibly angry, not for the car, but because the kids were asleep upstairs, above the kitchen.

    The police were fantastic (not a phrase often typed!). The new where the car would be left to see if it had a tracker fitted and staked it out for a couple of days – no luck.

    The team that looked after the crime were specifically targetted at higher value car crime – they said keep your keys with you as the last thing they will ever do is challenge you for them. They do not want to be recognised as that could be the end of their “career”

    Of course the above only applies to “professional” car crime – the drugged up guy looking to get your car to sell on for more coke may not have this clarity of thought. I would have thought the chances would be in favour of the professionals , rather than hoodies doing a TWOC crime though?

    Full Member

    “Nothing of value is left in this vehicle overnight”
    Came back to find a window smashed and a note saying “Just checking”

    At least they had a sense of humour 😉

    Full Member

    Once it was stolen it could be turned on but the tracking company refused despite being asked by the police.

    That’s pretty short sighted really.
    You’d have thought the insurance company would cough up the fee to get the car back.

    Our caravan has a tracker but as it only knocks £20 off the insurance I’m hardly going to fork out the £120 to activate it.

    Free Member

    To the folk mentioning not keeping their tracker contracts going – if something gets stolen, recovered and repaired on the insurance, your premium will go up a lot less than if they have to replace.

    Full Member

    Canceled tracker contracts can be reactivated in the event of a vehicle being stolen. £600 though.

    Steve, how old is your mates Beemer? Many 2011 models onwards (3 series and up) have an sos tracker installed in the factory but as the system is not in use in the UK they are dormant.

    In some circumstances they can be reactivated. Contact me by email if you want some further details.

    Free Member

    I had my passport stolen once ….

    Thank you for reminding me – I need to renew mine.

    Otherwise, I have no idea why I’m reading this thread, as some one “up there” said, that’s what insurance is for.

    Now, if only someone would steal our Kangoo, then maybe I could persuade t’other half to get a VW Caddy Maxi…

    Free Member

    About 7 years ago I got my car nicked off the drive. It was beast – a 52 plate Suzuki Ignis 1.3GL. 97bhp of frugal motoring on tap.

    They broke in and took the keys from downstairs. Woke up and took a while to work out it was gone. They couldn’t handle the power and burnt it out later that night.

    It’s all well and good having insurance – but by the time the ballache, the cost to replace vs what the insurance pay, increased premiums etc. were added up it cost me £1k. They guys that did it got caught, they were thick as sh1t and the police were pretty good.

    Our house shared a drive with the neighbours. He had a nearly new Porsche 911. I think they may have broken into the wrong house.

    Free Member

    Bregante … Thanks for the offer but its a 2006 56 plate.

    He had just had 4 new runflat tyres put on it in the week at over 700 quid !

    Like you say though cars can be replaced, its the fact that someone was in the house whilst they were sleeping !!

    Full Member

    Ah. Ignore my email then 🙁

    Free Member

    Cheers though !!

    Free Member

    Horrible thing to happen. On the upside, the cars should be insured and he’s had a security issue brought to his attention without injury or loss of anything irreplaceable. It’s absolutely sickening to think that people have been in your house going through your stuff.

    how is this of interest to STW

    Why are you reading and replying to threads which are of no interest to you? Are you that stuck for something to do?

    Well said ,

    Free Member

    Not nice at all but at least they only took cars. My mate had his car nicked off the drive after scumbags broke into the kitchen looking for keys.
    They also went upstairs with kitchen knives taken from downstairs and took a load of jewelery etc.
    THankfully my mate and family had gone away on holiday that morning.

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